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A Few Days Later...

It had been a few days since everything happened and today was the day I had to take Legend home. I wasn't ready to take him home though. Not without Bella coming home with us, but I knew I had no choice.

"Mr. Washington? Here are the papers for you to sign." The nurse said, handing me a clipboard.

"Thank you." I murmured. I looked down at Legend, who had his eyes open, looking up at me.

Baby Legend 💙

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Baby Legend 💙

He might've looked exactly like Bella, but he had my eyes and I was more then happy to pass down my eye genes. "You one good looking kid, son. I just wish your Mama could see you right now. She'd be thrilled to know that you look like her, rather than your young, handsome daddy." I gently picked him up and held him in my arms, turning around and walking toward Bella's bed.

During her surgery, the doctors were able to revive her, but since she had lost a lot of blood...she slipped into a mild coma. On top of that, her blood pressure was through the roof, which they called preeclampsia. They figured that Bella was unaware that she had this, which explains why she was in so much pain.

"This is your mommy, lil man. Isn't she beautiful? She almost died to make sure you could live, but guess what? She's still alive and fighting, so if you better not ever disrespect her when you get older. I will put you on your head, ya heard!" He squirmed a little, closing his eyes, as I kissed his forehead.

I then looked up at Bella, sighing at how lifeless she looked. Her once bright and vibrant skin was now dull and colorless, along with her once pink lips, that were now a dull share of blue. She just looked so...dead. The only good thing about all of this was that she was breathing on her own, which meant that she would possibly wake up sooner rather than later.

Laying Legend back down, I sat on the edge of Bella's bed and grabbed her hand.

"I'm taking our son home today, babe. I just wish you were coming home with us. You told me something was wrong and I didn't listen..." I spoke, getting choked up. "I should've listened to you baby, and for that...I am so sorry. Just please...please come back to me. Come back to us." I leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips, gently caressing her cheek, as somebody knocked on the door. I looked back and saw both my parents and Bella's parents entering the room. They had a bunch of 'Get Well Soon' balloons, cards, and flowers. Everything I know Bella will be happy to see when she wakes up.

"Hey baby. Hi my handsome grandson." My mom smiled. "What's that? I'm too young to be a grandma? I already know." I chuckled, as I got up and hugged her.

"How are you doing?" Bella's mom asked me.

"I'm alright. The doctors said I could take Legend home today, but I don't want to go home without Bella." I sighed.

"I know, but baby boy needs to be in his own environment. Plus, we've all been talking and we've decided to stay here for awhile and help you."

"I can't ask y'all to do that. Y'all have y'all own lives and the younger kids have school, I-"

"Aye now boy, hush up! We've already agreed to do this and as far as Dean and Talia kids, they got that handled." My dad said.

"Yeah, we emailed the teachers and explained the situation, so we good on that." My father in law chimed in.

"Thank y'all... I just...this means a lot to me and I know it'll mean a lot to Bella." I said, feeling the tears swell up in my eyes. I was tired of crying like a little bitch, but I couldn't help myself. This was an emotional time for me, so dammit I was gonna cry.

"You know we got you, son. Everything is going to be aight." My dad assured me, as they all embraced me in a group hug.

"Now here's the plan." My mom began, as she held Legend in her arms. "We'll take care of Legend throughout the day, while you sit up here with your wife, and then in the evenings you'll come home and take care of Legend while Bella's parents stay the night with her."

"Okay, that sounds good to me. I guess we'll put this plan in affect tomorrow, since I want to get Legend situated at home first."

"Whatever you want, Gabe." My mother in law said, as she and my mom cooed and loved all over their grandson.


When it was time for us to leave, I felt an aching pain in my chest, as I strapped my son in his car seat, making sure it was secured.

"You ready?" My dad asked me.

"Yeah." I sighed, walking over to Bella's bed. I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her lips, sighing heavily, as I moved a few strands of hair out of her face. "I love you so much, Bella. I'll be back up here tomorrow, but until then...your parents are going to be here with you. Don't worry, my parents are gonna help me get Legend settled, and I'll try my best to get this father thing down packed. Just please...come back to me." I placed another kiss on her lips, before turning and grabbing Legend's car seat and heading out.


When we got home, I took Legend into the bedroom, letting him get a vibe of his bedroom.

"This room is so cute!" My mom said, looking around.

"Looks a little girly to me." My dad murmured.

"Bella and Ivy did it while I was away on tour. Since we didn't know the gender, she kept the room gender neutral. You like your nursery, little man?" I asked, as I laid him down in his crib.

"Is this where he'll be sleeping?"

"No, we bought a bassinet for the bedroom, but Bella wanted him to at least take naps in his crib so he could get used to his bed." I said.

"Well if that's what she wanted, then we'll honor her wishes. Now, the hospital provided milk for the first few days, but we'll need formula for him." My mom said.

"I'll have to go get some. Bella planned on breast feeding, but since she can't... he'll just have to have regular formula."

"I'll go get it. Just tell me what kind of formula to get and I'll stock up." My dad offered. While he and my mom talked, I carried Legend into my room and placed him in his bassinet; making sure I had diapers, wipes, and his bottles at arms reach.

I didn't know how any of this was going to go, but I did know that I was going to do everything in my power to make sure I take good care of my son. With the help of both my parents and in-laws, I know that Bella would be proud to know that I had help while she was down and out. If only she'd wake up so we could both enjoy our son...then things would be perfect.

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