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Since Bella went into early labor, I had been running around the house like a mad woman, gathering everything that she and Gabe forgot to get; before I headed up to the hospital to see them. I wasn't sure if she had given birth yet, since neither of them was texting me back at the moment, but I guess I'll see whenever I get there.

"How long will you be gone?" Derrick asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, feeding Sienna. For some reason, I had been sensing that he didn't like sitting at home with me and our daughter, and if that was the case then why did he wait until after the fact that she was born to act a damn fool? Why not just let me know ahead of time that you were going to be a shitty parent, saving me the trouble of getting my expectations high, only to be disappointed in the end? I didn't get it.

"I'm not sure, why? Is there somewhere more important you have to be?" I questioned, putting my shoes on.

"There's nothing or no one more important than you and Sienna. What's up with you? You've been acting weird since the other night."

"Seriously? You wanna bring that up? Right now?"

"Yeah, cause I don't understand what I did for you to be pissed at me." He said, making me roll my eyes. He really trying to sit here and play victim? That's hilarious!

"Yeah, we're not doing this right now. I gotta go." I said, shaking my head. I wasn't in the mood for an argument, and I definitely didn't want to argue in front of our daughter. She didn't need to be around all that negativity. I walked out of the room, grabbed Bella's baby diaper bag and car seat, before heading out of the house. I could feel a migraine coming on, but I ignored the throbbing pain in my head, as I drove to the hospital in silence. I'm not sure why, but my mind was racing and I was starting to feel a little sad and depressed. Today wasn't about me though. Right now, it was all about Bella, Gabe, and their little bundle of joy. I really hope the baby had arrived and I also hoped that it was a girl, so that she and Sienna could grow up together like we did.

Arriving at the hospital, I grabbed everything and headed inside, stopping at the receptionist desk to ask where Bella's room was. Instead of sending me to her room, they told me to wait in the waiting room, because she was still in surgery. I guess she was having a C-section, which was probably scary for her, but she had Gabe with her so I'm sure she'd be okay.

Stepping off of the elevator, I was heading towards the waiting room, but I stopped when I saw Alayah running down the hallway.

"Alayah?" I questioned, walking towards her.

"Alayah! Bring your butt back here!" Mila huffed, grabbing her.

"Mila!" Mila squinted her eyes a little, I guess trying to figure out who I was, as if I looked different or something.

"Hey Ivy. Where's Sienna?"

"I left her home with her dad. Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"Down in the nursery." She sighed. She looked like she had been crying, judging by her red, puffy eyes.

"Have you been crying? What's wrong?"

"It's Bella." My heart dropped a little, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. Not yet anyways.

"W-what happened? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked, taking a deep breath.

"The baby's fine, but Bella...she..." Mila couldn't even finish her sentence before she started to cry. Alayah was alarmed by her sister's sudden outburst, as she started to hug her. "Something happened to Bella while she was in labor and....we don't know if she'll make it or not." I had to hold myself up on the wall, to prevent myself from falling onto the floor. This can't be real. This seriously can't be real!

"Mila? What are you--Oh Ivy." My auntie spoke, coming around the corner.

"Auntie...is it...this can't be true!" I breathed out, as the tears started to fall. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me, holding tightly, as she started crying as well.

"I don't believe it either, but all we can do is wait until the doctors come out and tell us the news. I have faith in Bella and I just hope she pushes through this." I buried my face in her shoulder and cried hysterically, staying like that for at least ten whole minutes.

Once I calmed down, my auntie walked with me, as we headed towards the nursery. She had told me that Bella gave birth to a baby boy, which was somewhat disappointing, but at the same time... I'm happy to hear that the baby is perfectly fine and healthy.

Gabe was standing at the glass window, with his face pressed up against the glass, staring at the crying newborns. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, pulling his attention away, as he looked down at me.

"Hey. I heard what happened and I am so sorry." I said. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight, sniffling, as he started crying.

"She told me something wasn't right and I didn't listen." He cried. "What kind of husband am I?"

"Don't talk like that, Gabe. You are a wonderful husband and you couldn't have known that something this severe would happen. We both know, as well as everyone else, that Bella is a fighter and she's going to push through this."

"Everybody keep saying that, but what if she doesn't? What if you are all wrong? What if she doesn't have enough fight left in her and just gives up? Then what?!" I backed away from him, seeing that he was getting himself riled up, as started pacing back and forth.

"Gabriel, calm down." My godparents said, pulling me back a little bit. He looked as if he wanted to get real ignorant and violent, but instead...he just turned and stormed off. I wanted to go after him, but my godparents stopped me from doing so.

"Just give him some time."

"The last thing he needs is time. He's hurting badly right now." I said.

"We all are, but right now...he needs this moment alone. If he isn't back in ten minutes, then I'll go look for him. Until then...let him take a breather." Uncle Zell said. I sighed heavily and nodded my head, hoping and praying that God gives Gabe the strength he needs to get through this. I hope and pray that he gives ALL of the the strength to deal with this. We definitely need it right now. Desperately.

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