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After spending the day with Bella, I came back to the house, feeling nervous about this talk I planned on having with Derrick. Maybe Bella was right..maybe I shouldn't tell him because honestly... there's nothing to tell.

Sure, I was in the wrong for confiding in another man, but it's not like I told Tay anything personal about what Derrick and I had been going through. All I said was that he had been working a lot more, while I stay home and take care of Sienna, but other then that...Tay only knows what I wanted him to know.

"So then daddy saw mama standing in line and all I could think to myself was damn...heaven must be closer than I thought, because I was looking at an angel. Now, mommy didn't want anything to do with daddy at first, but then fate brought us together by allowing us to create such a beautiful little girl. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, baby girl, and I love you with everything in me." I heard Derrick say, as I pushed the door open. He was rubbing lotion all over Sienna, which told me that he had just given her a bath.

"Hey you. Hey my sweet princess." I cooed, leaning down and kissing her cheek.

"Hey baby. How's Bella doing?"

"She's good. I didn't expect to stay as long as I did, but we ended up having some girl talk and I found myself missing our conversations."

"It's all good baby. Sienna and I got along fine, having some daddy/daughter time." He said. "Mommy shouldn't be the only one that gets to spend some personal time with our little angel." I smiled a little, walking into the bathroom, as I took a deep breath. I found myself feeling nervous about telling Derrick, only because it was clear that he was trying to be a better boyfriend and father. He has a right to know though, especially if there's a future for us.

After my shower, I brushed my teeth, and stepped out of the bathroom; finding Derrick laying Sienna down in her playpen. She was fast asleep and I had to admit that I was relieved, only because I didn't want her awake during this talk.

"She's so cute." I smiled, looking down at my beautiful daughter.

"Of course she is. We made her, remember?" He chuckled, pulling me into his arms. "And now that she's down for the count...mama and daddy needed some grown up time." He pulled me towards the bed and sat down, while I stood in between his legs.

"Babe...we need to talk." He pulled my shirt up and placed soft kisses on my stomach.

"You pregnant again?"

"Definitely not." I grumbled. "But I-" I was cut off by him lifting me up and laying me down in the bed, easing in between my legs as he placed soft kisses on my neck.

"I know things between us have been rocky, but I just want to thank you for sticking with me. You have no idea how much I love you and our family." He said, making the guilt eat at me something serious.


"Shhh...Let me finish. I know I've been acting distant, making you think that what I was doing was more important than you and Sienna, but I want you to know that nothing will ever be more important than you two." God, I just wanted him to stop talking. The more he talked, the more guilty I felt. "And there's a reason why I've been so busy. Aside from looking for a place for us to move, I've also been given the opportunity to be co-director on a few projects that are in the works."

"Really? Babe, that's amazing! Why didn't you just tell me what you were up to?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Because I didn't want to have to explain the person who is responsible for these... amazing opportunities." He murmured.

"Let me guess...Ashley?" He nodded his head, making me roll my eyes, as I pushed him off of me. "So all the times you haven't been here with me and Sienna, you've been out with her?"

"Yes, but it's been completely innocent, I swear. She saw me looking at houses one day and offered to help me out, then we started talking, and the next thing I know...she's hooking up with some of her connections."  

"Yeah, I bet." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, knowing that I couldn't even be mad at him, because what I was doing was way worse then him hanging out with a former co-star. "As long as she hasn't tried anything, then I guess that's okay."

"She hasn't tried anything babe, I promise. She is genuinely a good person and even if she did try anything, I'd shut her down in a heartbeat. I belong to you and Sienna only, and that will never change." He said, as he pulled me into him and kissed me. 

"Now that you've been honest with me, it's my turn to be honest with you." I began, slowly sitting up. "These last few months, I've been feeling lonely and unappreciated, but that still isn't any excuse for what I did."

"What did you do?"

"I've been talking to my ex. The same ex that shot Bella's husband and tried to shoot and kill my dad." Derrick jumped up so quick, that I literally thought he was going to hit me, but instead he started pacing back and forth. "Derrick, calm down and let me explain! Please!"

"Did you fuck him?" He asked me.

"What? Of course not! We've just been talking on the phone, having innocent conversations! Nothing more, nothing less."

"And what makes you think that I'd be okay with you conversing with your ex? That's kinda like cheating, if you ask me! What possessed you to even start back talking to him, especially after you expressed how bad he hurt you! Clearly he didn't hurt you enough, if you're running back to him!"

"I know I shouldn't have been talking to him, but it started off as harmless messages of him telling me to keep my head up; after expressing that I was dealing with postpartum depression. I didn't know what you were doing, but I felt as if you didn't want to be here with me and Sienna; and that made me even more depressed. Tay...he complimented me and made me feel better, allowing me to vent about things that had nothing to do with us or Sienna." I explained.

"You could talk to him about all that, but you couldn't talk to me?" He questioned, giving me a look that broke my heart. Bella was right. I shouldn't have told him, but there was no turning back. The deed was already done and now I had no choice but to accept the fate of this relationship.

"When could I have talked to you,  Derrick? You were barely even here and I was alone. And when you were here, you were always too tired to talk, or you didn't want to be bothered because you were too busy with the baby. You barely even looked at me or complimented me after I gave birth, making me feel like I was a disgusting human being, despite me just having a baby! I can't throw on makeup, get dressed up, and look cute like I used to because Sienna is just going to throw up all over my clothes! So while you're out, hanging with your little friend, and making money moves...remember that I'm here taking care of our daughter, going stir crazy because I keep looking at the same four walls! So yeah, I was in the wrong for confiding in my ex, but I won't apologize for trying to feel special for once!" And with that, I got up and stormed out of the bedroom, careful not to slam the door and wake my daughter. I wasn't sure where Derrick and I would go from here, but if he decided not to be with me anymore then that's his God given right. What I did was wrong and I shouldn't have started back talking to Tay, but at the same time... I'm happy that I did because he really helped me see that I was more than just Sienna's mom. Even though I loved being her mom, it was time for me to get back to doing what I love, which is acting.

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