Epilogue - Part 1

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Three Years Later

"I'm so nervous. Why am I so nervous right now? It's not like I haven't done this before, right?" I panicked, pacing back and forth. Today was the day that Gabe and I were renewing our vows and it was safe to say that I was a nervous wreck.

"Okay, breathe sis...in through your nose and out through your mouth." Mila said, mimicking my motions. I nodded and breathed in through my nose and slowly exhaled. "Good, good."

"How's the bride doing?" Ivy questioned, as she walked into the room with Sienna on her hip. Sariyah was right behind her, as she closed the door and waved at me.

"Awww Bella, you look beautiful!" She smiled.

"Thanks." I responded, fanning myself.

"As you can see, she's a nervous wreck right now." Mila said, rolling her eyes. "Let me go find mom and I'll be right back. Ivy, try and keep her calm." She got up and hurried out of the room, while Ivy came and sat next to me.

"Why are you so nervous for, B? It's not like you haven't married Gabe before. What's so different this time around, aside from this being the most over the top wedding ever!"

"I really don't know. You saw me last night, I was on cloud nine just thinking about today. Then I woke up with a big bundle of nerves and now my head is starting to hurt." I sighed, not understanding why I was so damn nervous.

"I know what you need." Ivy got up and walked over towards the mini bar, pouring me a small shot of vodka.

"You know I can't drink, Ivy."

"This isn't for you, crazy. This is for me." She said, throwing the shot back. "Now, you wanna know why I think you're so nervous? Because the last time you got married, you feared that Tay was going to show up and ruin everything. It's giving you terrible flashbacks, which is causing your nerves to be all out of whack, but I promise you...you have nothing to worry about. Nobody is going to ruin your day and you and Gabe are going to renew your vows, and ride off into the sunset like a couple of lovesick fairytale characters."

"Didn't you say this exact line in that bachelorette movie you did a few months ago?" I questioned, cutting my eyes at her.

"Maybe, maybe not. The point is, you deserve the wedding of your dreams and you are finally getting it. Not only that, everyone is here to enjoy your special day with you, so embrace it." She was right. I did deserve this, especially after everything I've been through, so why shouldn't I embrace this moment? In a few minutes, I was going to walk down the aisle and marry the love of my life again, and that was all that mattered.

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