Chapter 4

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"What do you mean Billie you have a girlfriend" I said "I was wondering if we can talk" she said "there's nothing to talk about were friends" I said "I know I should of told you about my girlfriend but it's complicated" she said "yea you should of told me" I said crossing my arms I felt her lean closer to make making me take steps backwards "what are you doing?" I asked "just relax" she said I hit the wall and felt her body press onto mine and our lips connected, after a few seconds things started to get heated and she picked me up making me wrap my legs around her waist and wrapping my arms around her neck and my fingers in between her hair. Her lips were soft but passionate when we kissed. She slid the shirt off my body until a loud knock was heard and I panicked pushing her off and grabbing my shirt "thanks" I said walking out of the closet closing the door everyone's eyes were on me i quickly slid on my shirt and ran out of the room I found Maddie on her boyfriend kissing and I pulled her off "we have to go now" I said she nodded and kissed her boyfriend goodbye we walked out and waited for an Uber we stood in silence "Billie?" She asked I nodded and told her what happened "this is your chance to shine text her your bedroom door will be open and there's a key under the mat" she said I rolled my eyes and laughed.
When we arrived at home I laid down on my bed and took a deep sigh there was silence until I heard the door slam next door and arguing was heard by Billie and the girl from the party. After a while I heard the door slam again and I wanted to check on her but I knew if I entered that apartment I wouldn't leave until the next morning and that's what happened. That's how I ended up here naked next to the billie Eilish who had a girlfriend and kissed me as soon as I knocked on that door but how do you tell someone who's in love with someone else that you felt a connection when you slept with her. You don't you get up and leave and that's exactly what I did.

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