I heard my alarm in a far away echo I groaned and shut it off rubbing my eyes and grabbing my phone "5:30 am only old people wake up this early" I whispered I got up and walked into the bathroom today was the day we go on tour unfortunately Eli wasn't going to join me but it's fine I understood he needed to work. I hopped in the shower and took a quick shower brushing my hair and putting on my beanie I did some light makeup so I wouldn't look totally dead and walked into my room I slid on some clothes which were some ripped jeans that were folded from the bottom and a red croptop along with my white vans. I grabbed my suitcase and carry on bag and got in the car where Eli was waiting with a sleepy look "are you excited?" He asked "yea but not to be near her" I said "love you too" I heard a raspy voice say from the backseat making me jump I looked back and saw the billie Eilish with a smug look "she asked for a ride I'm sorry" Eli said I rolled my eyes and faced the front again putting on my AirPods and looking out the window as Eli and Billie talked when we arrived at the airport I kissed Eli goodbye and grabbed my stuff walking into the airport with her right behind me I grabbed a coffee once I made it through security and I was waiting for my plane to board "flight 170 please proceed to the check in line your plane is boarding now" I got up and got on the plane as I struggled to put my stuff up I felt a hand rest on my bare lower back sending chills down my arms "I got it" Billie said putting my stuff up "thanks" I said sitting in the window seat and she sat right next to me "great" I said sarcastically she laughed and leaned back as the plane was getting ready to take off I became nervous and I tapped my foot rapidly I felt Billie hold my hand and not meet my eyes it calmed me I guess she remembered when I told her take offs made me nervous. The whole plane ride was awkward but peaceful and relaxing. We landed on San Francisco and made our way to a far away parking lot where our tour bus and the crew bus was ready. We both arrived at the same time and stood in front of our managers I took a long chug from the coffee my manager got me as they spoke "you guys are sleeping together" my manager said my eyes went wide and I coughed loudly Billie chuckled and pat my back "the crew bus has multiple bunks but yours only has one big bed, a tv and a bathroom with a shower so enjoy" my manager said getting onto the the tour bus I handed our driver my suitcase and he put it inside the tour bus and actual driving seat was not connected at all there was a wall in between us so great just me and her. Alone.