I stirred in my sleep and woke up the the soft light coming through the curtains and I looked around and saw Shawn getting dressed I smiled at the view of my boyfriend and he finally met my eyes he smirked and walked over to me and pecking my lips "good morning baby" he said "morning" I said "plans for today?" He asked "I have to pick up ocean from my moms and you can wait here if you want" I said he nodded and laid back down after finishing drying off and sliding on a pair of black sweats. I got dressed and kissed him goodbye I walked downstairs and got in my car starting to drive until I realized I forgot my wallet and quickly drove back I unlocked the door and went up to my room and saw Shawn and Eli making out "wow and I thought I finally found the one" I said they quickly pulled apart "it's not what it looks like baby I swear" Shawn said "get out" I whispered as tears started to spill from my eyes "let me explain" he said "get the fuck out now!" I yelled he quickly slid on a shirt and ran out of the room I looked up and met Eli's guilty eyes "get out" I said "what? Jamie you can't throw away this friendship just because of that" he said "no Eli you threw away the friendship now get the hell out!" I said as I tossed Shawn's shirt at him "I'm sorry" he said "you can come get your shit tonight and leave me the key on the counter" I said I grabbed my phone and walked out and drove and drove not really knowing where I was going until I stopped at the house where the love of my life lived with her fiancé I thought I was insane but by the time I knocked it was too late to go back and I just stood there until she opened the door her eyes looked red and I could smell the strong scent of liquor in her breathe "I'm sorry I just got cheated on and he cheated with Eli! And I'm sorry to interrupt you and Amber" I said as the tears started to leave my eyes "Amber and me got in a fight" she said "come in" she said I walked in and we took some shots together and one thing led to another and we were laying naked in her bed. It was different it was filled with passion and lust and I knew I would regret it later but for now it was great. I woke up 2 hours later with a slight headache I freaked out instantly and quickly stood up "what the hell amber" Billie said she finally opened her eyes and looked at me and her eyes went wide "fuck" she said frustrated "this didn't happen" I said as I slid on my shirt "it did Jamie I'm supposed to get married in a few months what the fuck am I supposed to do!" She yelled as she got dressed quickly "don't blame this on me billie you're the one that kissed me!" I said as I walked down the stairs "so what I'm supposed to live with the guilt!" She yelled "I don't fucking know Billie but I have to go pick up our daughter and this isn't healthy we gotta keep a co parenting plan not anything else" I said "I'm in love with Amber please don't fuck this up" she said frustrated as she walked back upstairs and that kind of stung my heart but I knew I deserved it. I got in my car and drove off not being able to take the feeling of her touch on my skin.