I woke up and Billie was no longer laying with me instead there was a bouquet of sunflowers and roses with a note that explained she was performing and would come get me soon. I snapped a picture of the flowers and put them on my bedside quickly grabbing my microphone and running into the arena. When I got there I noticed she was singing and thousands of fans were singing along with her I peeked my head through the hair curtain and the fans screamed catching billies attention on me she smiled "sorry for interrupting I just wanted to say thank you for the flowers" I said she winked and went back to focus on the audience I chilled until it was my turn and I walked out jumping on billies back and making a nasty face when I realized she was sweaty "gross" I said she smirked and started to chase me around the stage I nudged her towards the fans and she laughed waving goodbye and kissing my cheek before going off stage I performed and it was amazing after my performance I sat down on the stage and answered some questions soon Billie joined me and sat next to me "are you two actually dating?" A fan asked "we are actually dating" Billie said with a smile the fans cheered and the microphone got handed to another fan "what is the biggest thing that annoys you guys about eachother?" A fan asked Billie took the microphone and cleared her throat "well I just dislike how she wakes up at random hours of the night and wakes me up too" she said I laughed and laid my hand on her shoulder answering the question and answering more me and Billie finally said goodbye and walked backstage where we hung out and relaxed until it was time to go stay at an actual hotel. Billie pulled me into the van making sure the fans didn't hurt me by wrapping her hands around me and putting me into the van. When we got to the hotel our managers got us two separate rooms and we went our separate ways on the way in I hopped in the shower and took my time when I got out I slid on one of billies shirts and some shorts I walked out to see Billie under the covers in my bed on live on instagram "she's finally out" she pointed the phone to me I smiled and waved and laid next to her laying my head on her arm and looking through the movies on Netflix "okay guys well we love you guys but this one wants attention and wants me to sleep now so bye" she said shutting it off and wrapping her hands around me I let myself melt into her touch and watch her drift off to sleep not really sure of what me and Billie were but where we are now was good for now.