1 year later
I was putting ocean to bed and she was being completely complicated tonight "but why can't my momma put me to bed?" She asked for the thousandth time "because she's working on some songs with uncle fin so please babe go to sleep" I said "not until my momma comes to read to me" she said I huffed and walked downstairs and listened to make sure I wasn't interrupting a record session "hey babe" I whispered through the door. Billie opened the door with a smile "ocean wants you to put her to bed" I said "alright" she said she kissed my lips and then pecked the baby bump I smiled and walked to the kitchen where I was trying to reach the Nutella on the top cabinet and I felt water drip down my legs "fuck" I whispered "Billie!" I yelled she quickly ran down the stairs and peeked her head into the kitchen "it's time for baby number 2 come on help me upstairs to my vanity" I said "babe your water just broke we have to get to the hospital" she said "nope not without makeup" I said she sighed in frustration and went to the recording room "fin call mom and tell her to meet us at the hospital in half an hour and can you please stay here with ocean?" She asked "yeah I got it" he said. She went up the stairs and came down with my makeup bag "come on do it in the car" she said I gave in and put on my slides and she helped me to the car. After a long drive and the long check in with an impatient ass fiancé we were finally in our delivery room where Billie helped me put on makeup and my mom and billies mom sat on the side making sure everything was in check. After 1 long hour of labor we welcomed a beautiful baby boy to the world Sebastian O'Connell. 7 Pounds. Billie wouldn't put the baby down and she took every opportunity to take pictures of him and kiss him and he was so calm and quiet. A very excited ocean entered the hospital room with a bag in hand "hi mommy" she said "hi baby" I said I leaned down and kissed her little nose "hi momma" she said to Billie, Billie scooped her into her arms and gave her many kisses making her giggle "what's in the bag mamas?" I asked Ocean "I got my little brother some yogurt since he's toothless so he won't be hungry" she said proudly she walked over to the crib next to my bed and peeked over and a big smile grew on her face when he opened his beautiful blue eyes "so cute" she whispered I smiled and took in the moment of all my beautiful blue eyed babies
10 years later
"Ocean get up its time for school!" I yelled up the stairs "no!" She yelled back I ran up the stairs and into her room and pulled the blanket off of her "you have to be in mommas car in 30 minuets you know damn well she'll let you walk" I said she groaned and stood up "love you too baby" I said I blew her a kiss and walked into my 10 year old sons room "Sebastian time for school" I said but of course my beautiful perfectionist was already up and dressed. I walked down the hall into the twins room and saw the 2 6 year olds were dressed and ready "momma dressed us" Jovani said I smiled and noticed by how nice they were dressed "she said that we won't pull hoes if we dress like bums" Christian said "don't use that word baby" I said the two twins ran down the stairs to the breakfast table and I went into my room where Billie was laying down with our 3 month old son Aden "we have so many boys" I said "I know but they always say 6th ones the charm for a girl" she said "Billie Eilish no one says that" I let out a laugh and looked at out family picture "my babies are so grown it hurts" I said "I know but we have this little peanut for a long time" she said lifting the small baby "stop telling our sons about hoes and please make sure Ocean gets to her first hour on time" I said she handed me the baby and pecked my lips and soon all my kids came to say goodbye and my gang of blue eyes rushed out the door. Life was complicated at first but it was totally worth it now that we have our beautiful 5 blue eyed kids. Who would of known I would be married to the asshole next door.I am very proud of this book yalll. Thank you guys for reading it. Butt stay tuned causeee more Billie Eilish books coming soon.