Chapter 10

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Our concert was going great I had already preformed and now Billie was performing while she was performing I decided to chill in the front barriers until the fans squished forward and squished me I was picked up by a security and taken backstage a crew member walked onto the stage after Billie stopped singing belly ache and grabbed a microphone "hey guys I need you guys to scoot backwards Jamie got hurt and we need to be more careful thank you" he said putting down the microphone and walking backstage "yo imma go check on my girl I'll be right back" Billie said the crowd cheered and she rushed backstage and approached me "are you okay?" She asked I nodded and smiled she took my hand and lead me on stage and the crowd went crazy "for the last song of the night I want my girl to help me sing it" she said and started to sing ocean eyes we both harmonized and sang together she was holding my hand the whole time and staring at me a lot. Part of me knew she wasn't like this behind the stage but part of me craved this affection from her constantly. After the song she wrapped her arm around me and we made our way backstage after saying goodbye when we arrived backstage she let go of my arm and went into her dressing room I annoyingly grabbed some comfy clothes and a towel making my way to the showers and turning one on making sure that everyone knew I was in the shower so they wouldn't come in I had my eyes closed and let the water hit my body when I felt a presence behind me and the shower next to me turned on I yelped and I heard the familiar laugh "I told everyone I was in the shower" I said not facing her "relax I've seen you naked" she said I could almost sense the proud smirk she had on I rolled my eyes and she kept accidentally gripping me and bumping into me but I knew it was no accident. After I was done I wrapped a towel around my body and went to the other side of the shower room and got dressed I heard the water shut off and Billie quickly got dressed "here" she said handing me a crew neck with her name on it "what?" I asked "I noticed you just had a t shirt and it's cold out I don't want you to get sick on the way to the bus" she said putting on her shoes and walking out the door I slid on the crew neck and walked out grabbing my backpack of stuff and walking towards Billie "there's probably fans out there so let me hold your hand" she said I nodded and she held my hand leading me to the bus people took picture of us and told us goodbye we hopped on the bus and I quickly put my stuff down and went to bed laying down and feeling Billie lay next to me soon the tour bus barely started to move when she turned to me "I wanna actually be with you" she said making my hands sweat and cheeks get red I turned to her but how could I say yes when she caused me so much pain but how could I say no when she has those beautiful ocean eyes.

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