I wished that was would of happened when I picked up ocean but it wasn't. Billie was drunk out of her mind and very angry at my beautiful daughter for spilling her red juice on her precious seat covers
I walked into the resort and saw Billie scolding my daughter in a corner and my daughters beautiful eyes filled with tears I ran to them and scooped my daughter into my arms "what the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled "she spilled the stupid juice" she slurred I could smell the thick scent of alcohol on her breath "I'll pay for it billie there's no need to yell at her!" I yelled "just get her out of here and don't come back" she said
Remembering that moment pained me not only for me but my beautiful daughter who got to love Eilish with all her little heart. She has tried to call after she found out what she did and I have heard from Eli that she didn't get married that night but I had no idea if that was what happened or not. We finally got back and once we opened our door we were met with a bunch of presents "who brought these?" I asked my body guard "Billie" he said I nodded and put ocean down "can I open them?" She asked quietly I nodded. Later that night me and ocean were eating dinner when I heard the door bell I got up and pecked oceans forehead and opened the door and Billie stood there with a small puppy in hand "if we weren't home that little thing would of died" I said "I'm sorry" she said she looked like she hadn't slept in ages "I told you not to hurt her" I said "I know and I'm sorry I had no idea what happened I was just drunk and I got drunk because I didn't want to get married" she said "doesn't mean you have to be a total ass to my daughter" I said the my daughter part seemed like it hurt and she handed me the puppy "can you tell her I'm sorry" she said I nodded and held the puppy close to me "it's rude to not invite her to eat momma" ocean said I laughed and moved aside so Billie could come in and I turned around and handed ocean the puppy "wow" she said as she held it close to her. I don't believe in another chance for Billie but I knew my daughter deserved to have someone else who loved her almost as much as I did in her life
Sooooo sorry for not updating but I'm on spring break! Sooo more updates and sorry for playing with y'all feelings.