I was sitting in my big bean bag chair in my balcony editing my YouTube video when the neighbor next door walked onto her balcony and sat in her chair she started to strum some notes on a ukulele and sang lowly "stay and blah blah you just want what you can't have" she sang and then hummed some lyrics while strumming her ukulele "and I hate to do this to you on your birthday happy birthday by the way, it's not you it's me and all that other bullshit you know that's bull shit don't you babe I'm not your party favor" she continued to sing the whole song and I slowly clapped she looked up surprised and our eyes met "that was dope" I said with a smile "thank you" she said she smiled and her voice was raspy and smooth "I'm Jamie" I said "I'm Billie" she said I smiled and put my computer on my table "so why are you up at this ungodly hour of the night?" I asked "can't sleep" she said "you?" She asked "editing and I had a cup of coffee" I said "YouTuber?" She asked "yep" I said "singer?" I asked she nodded we started a more interesting conversation and one thing lead to another and it was 5am and we were talking about crazy fan experiences "I'd hate to cut this short but I need to get some sleep" she said I smiled and nodded "goodnight neighbor" she said "goodnight" I said I finished editing my video and went into my room I laid in bed and looked at my phone "Wherearetheavocados started following you" I read I opened the app and saw it was Billie "10 million followers damn" I said I liked a lot of her pictures and finally started to zone into sleep.