"Ocean time to get up" I said through the bedroom door "being up this early should be illegal!" She yelled back i laughed at my sassy 4 year old that was wise beyond her age. Ocean was beyond beautiful she has beautiful ocean eyes and small freckles on her nose, her hair was sandy blonde and more on the sandy side then the blonde side. She was small and cute and she had a beautiful smile. She was in a way a little copy of Billie.Ocean has an outgoing personality and had personality for days. We live in a small town in a big house with Eli who took care of her when I went on tour or did interviews also my parents watched over her whenever we were in California. There is pictures of ocean and me on Instagram but no one knew she was billies daughter too just mine and even if Billie did know she was hers she never asked me about her due to her being in a happy relationship. It hurts knowing that Billie might know she's hers but doesn't want to see her but my daughter didn't need her she had me and Eli who has been like a dad to her since she was born. Maddie lived a few houses down and we all loved this calm lonely environment. Ocean finally got up and met me downstairs to eat some breakfast before we went out to run some errands. Me and ocean were at the store when I heard a familiar voice say my name. I turned around and saw Maggie standing there with a basket in her hand "hi Maggie it's so good to see you" I said giving her a hug she returned it and then started a conversation with me but I could hardly focus due to me trying to find ocean "my mommy is this way she loves your music" I heard her little voice say as she turned into the isle with her little hand in someone else's hand I looked up and saw Billie she instantly recognized me and stood quiet when ocean pulled us together "mommy don't be shy tell her you love her music" ocean said with a giggle. Maggie kept her eyes on ocean and I picked her up and put her in the cart "it was really great seeing you Maggie" I said giving her a hug and pushed the cart towards the checkout isle when I looked back I saw Maggie yelling at Billie and Billie couldn't take her eyes off ocean "what'd I tell you about talking to strangers?" I said while checking out our items "not to do it but mom I was lonely and she looked nice" she said in a soft voice I smiled and kissed her nose and finished bagging up the stuff. We made our way to the car and I put everything in it and got ocean in her car seat I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked back and saw Billie standing there "hey baby I'll be right in the car in a minute let me talk to her real quick" I said ocean nodded and leaned back into her car seat closing her eyes i shut the door and turned to Billie "why didn't you tell me" she asked "I didn't have to Eilish she's a clear replica of you you knew and we both know you knew so don't act stupid" I said to her "why didn't you contact me to talk to me about it though Jamie" she asked "because you blocked my number and got a new girlfriend!, because you cheated on me!, because I didn't want my baby to wonder if you were going to come home or not everyday while you stayed out to party!, because you knew she was your daughter and if you wanted to talk to her you would of the moment she was born" I said Billie stood quiet and I got in my truck and closed the door I put my head on the steering wheel and sighed loudly there was a little knock on the window and I saw Maggie standing there I lowered my window and she handed me oceans stuffed animal and good thing she did because ocean loved that thing "thank you" I said "I always knew I had a granddaughter just Billie wanted to be in her relationship and I didn't want to cause my granddaughter pain" she said somewhat ashamed "Maggie she knew about her daughter if she wanted to see her she could of called" I said as my voice cracked "I know honey and I don't expect you to let us see her but if you do me and Patrick would love to see her" she said with a smile "Maggie she would be happy to have another grandma and grandpa but I don't want Billie to come into her life and leave" I said "Billie won't be involved here, if she wants a relationship with her daughter she'll ask but I would love to form a relationship with her" she said I smiled and nodded "what's her name?" She asked looking at the beautiful blue eyed princess in the back "Ocean" I said "that's a beautiful name it matched her beautiful eyes" she said I smiled and nodded "I have the same number give me a call later in the week and you and Patrick can come over" I said she thanked me and walked away with a happy smile on her face. I wanted people to love my daughter and I knew Billie could never love anyone else but herself.