Jamie's Pov
After stressfully packing for Coachella we were all finally here enjoying the music and the vibes with dope outfits. We wore the merch for the first 2 days but today we all went all out; I wore a open LV shirt with a sports bra and black jeans with some really expensive shoes Liza got me and I had glitter all over my stomach and arms but I looked dope. I had Liza on my shoulders while we watched people perform and then the last person I wanted to see got on stage to perform I grabbed Liza's waist and set her down and walked away from the stage as I was making my way through the crowd the music stopped and she stopped singing "don't go" she said into the microphone everyone looked towards the direction she was talking to and all eyes landed on me "I know I messed up I'm sorry" she said "can we just talk after the performance in private?" She asked I got handed a microphone and I turned around "this isn't a private setting Eilish and everyone knows that we have something to talk about so talk about it now" I spoke into the microphone "I've liked you since the first time I saw you and I know I've messed up but will you give me an actual chance" she said the crowd screamed and I put the microphone close to my mouth "would be rude to reject you in front of everyone" I said she smiled and the crowed cheered "okay Coachella let's do this" she yelled out I handed the microphone over and enjoyed her performance.After the performance I waited beside the stage and she walked over to me all sweaty and tired I handed her a water bottle and she drank from it and poured the rest of it over her head "tired?" I asked she nodded "come on let's go have funnn" she said I smiled and took her hand. She lead us to an area where there was food and music "hungry?" She asked "I mean no but if you're hungry we can get you something" I said "I'm not feeling hungry right now but I'm tired" she said I lead her to the tent me and my friends had set up and I could already see the amount of pictures that were probably taken. We sat down in the fold up couch and she rested her head on my chest while I rubbed her hands "I love you" she said while she drifted to sleep. "What the fuck" I whispered at the sudden thing she just stated