Jamie's pov
I woke up in billies arms and I pecked her lips and got out of her grip slowly and went into the kitchen to make us breakfast. I made is pancakes and bacon and set up the table and let it cool while I woke her up. After finally waking her up we ate breakfast in her table and she was quiet but I knew she was tired "hey wanna meet my parents?" She asked "I would love to" I said with a smile she brightly smiled and quickly called her mom to tell her. "Meet me back here at like 4:30 I love you" she said pecking my lips and running to Im guessing shower. I went to my apartment and took a long shower and curled my hair. She texted me to dress fancy so I put on a black dress and did my make up. By the time I was finished it was 2:30 so I just hung out in my apartment until it was 4;30 on the dot and I put on my shoes and went next door Billie opened the apartment door she was wearing black jeans and a red crew neck with a windbreaker on top and a small silver chain along with a black beanie and red vans "you look so good" I said "you look ever better" she said with a wink she pulled me to the bathroom and took pictures of me and with me. "Hey guys look at my girl she looks so hot anyways we're on our way to eat with my parents are you excited babe?" She asked "nervous" I said as I locked her apartment "wish us luck" she said she posted it and took my hand and we walked together to her Red Jeep. We held hands all the way to a fancy 5 star restaurant she opened my car door for me and held my hand as we walked into the restaurant we joined her family and we all got to know each other I got along with them especially Maggie who kept telling me I was very beautiful and her dad who liked the idea that i was the reason Billie wasn't recklessly partying anymore and her brother fin who cracked jokes with me all night when we left dinner I heard Maggie whisper to Billie "she's a keeper Bil don't let her go" I smiled and made my way to the car after saying goodbye to them and switching numbers with all of them. We got into her car and she stared to drive with a little smile on her lips "I love you" she said as she put her hand in my inner thigh making me tense under her touch.