Chapter Two

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Hi guys! Welcome back!

So two main things:

1 : I started my Freshman year Monday! Monday and Tuesday were a bit stressful as I had to go to the counselor's to get schedule changes (along with half the 9th grade because our schedules got screwed up...), but today was actually really nice! I, however, have been really busy this entire time and really don't have that much free time! Today I finally do, and I certainly have some videos to catch up on; 3 days worth! ^^"

2 : PAX STARTS TOMORROW OMG. Though I'm not going, I'm really looking forward to all the vlogs and pictures that are a given to be posted. AND GRASER'S FACE. OMG. ANY DAY NOW WE WILL KNOW.

Anyway, haha, here's the prewritten chapter I promised. And boy, am I glad I prewrote this! xD

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy!

Z A C H  [ G R A S E R 1 0 ]

The first thing I felt when I woke was a heavy weight on my chest. I opened my eyes groggily to see my fat cat draped across me, staring into my now-open eyes.

“Shadow…” I groaned, shoving him off. “It’s too early for master Graser to be awake, bud…” I noted the time: 9:30 AM. Only five more hours until we got to film the intro for Pixel.

Oh, man. I couldn’t wait.

Deciding I needed something to distract myself until then, I entered the kitchen, pulling out some cold pizza and microwaving it. While I waited, I leaned against the counter, scrolling through Twitter. 

@ThatOneTomahawk: Today’s the day, everybody! We’re filming the first episode of Pixel in a few hours! Get hyped! >:D

@xBayani: Pixel filming starts today! So excited!

@TYBZI: I have a feeling today’s gonna be a great day.

@Grapeapplesauce: Starting a new series today! Can’t wait for you guys to see the first episode :)

@DulJuice: Can’t wait to start filming Pixel later!

I retweeted all of them and tweeted out myself.

@Graser10: Filming for Pixel begins in a few hours! Who’s excited?

I smiled as the replies came pouring in, including retweets from a few of the other Cube members. I was so lost in my thoughts that I jumped when Marley brushed up against my legs, meowing hopefully.

I chuckled. “Sorry, girl. No pizza for you.” Turning, I took the slice out of the microwave, grabbed a napkin and a can of soda from the fridge, and went back to my room, deciding I’d play MCSG to tide me over until 2:00. 


“Hey, Graser,” Bayani greeted as he entered the TeamSpeak. “What’s up?”

“Bayanidood,” I replied with a smile, still clicking things on my screen left and right. “Just setting up a few last minute things. Soon enough we’ll be inside Minecraft!” I declared enthusiastically. 

“Dude,” stated Bayani. “This is going to be so awesome.”

“You bet,” I agreed. “Now we’re just waiting on everyone else.”

About ten minutes later, everyone who could make it was gathered in the Cube TeamSpeak, chatting eagerly to one another. I checked that all the settings were correct before yelling over everyone.

“Ladies, ladies, please!” I yelled, and conversations dissolved into laughter, which then fell into silence. “Good. So welcome everyone, to the first episode filming of Pixel!”

Cheers filled my ears, and I grinned, though no one could see me. “Are you guys ready to test this out? Everything’s finally ready!”

A chorus of “Yeah!” echoed in my headset again, and my grin widened. “Great! Then let’s get started.” I opened Pixel and sent the program to IP addresses of the computers that the other Cube members were using. “How it works is that when you place your hand across the handprint on the screen, it should be able to recognize your ‘digital signature’ and virtualize you into the preset game,” I explained. “In this case, that’s the new vanilla world that I’ve set up for this series. Make sense?”

When everyone murmured agreement, I nodded to myself. “Good. On my word, everyone put your hand on it. Okay?” I raised my right hand with a gulp. Here goes. “One. Two. Three!” I took a deep breath and placed my palm over the screen.

The first thing I felt was a warm feeling spreading up my arm. It spread to my entire body within the span of a few seconds, and soon enough my vision went black. The sensation of sitting at my desk was gone; instead I was dizzily flying through the air, blind and unable to scream.

Was this virtualization?

Oh dang. I forgot how much I liked the ending for this chapter >:)


Are you excited for PAX, even if you aren't going? ( IF YOU ARE GOING PLEASE SAY HI FOR ME TO ALL THE CUBE MEMBERS <3 I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER )

Vote and comment for more! Until next time!


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