Chapter Ten

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Hi guys, and welcome back to Pixel! c:

A couple things before we start today:

- - KEEP ENTERING THE CONTEST! Information is back at the end of Chapter Nine: the deadline is THIS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH! I've seen some great entries so far and I hope to see some more, too! c:

- - If you posted what you think the ending will be in the COMMENTS last chapter, I didn't respond. I only responded to MESSAGES, because I didn't want to publicly reveal spoilers.

- - I'm going to a Harry Potter themed museum event Saturday night with my best friend! We have robes and everything, and it should be super fun. Expect an update Saturday as usual, but I might be posting pics on Twitter (in case anyone cares about my personal social life xD).

- - In addition to the question of the chapter, I was thinking about posting song lyrics and having you guess the song, as one of the people who entered my contest does that at the end of her chapters and I like the idea. If you are that person, tell me if you do not wish for me to do this ^^ They'll be starting next chapter.

I think that's about it! So remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy!

J U L I O  [ T O M A H A W K ]

My head was spinning.

I’d been trapped in complete darkness for hours; calling for the others, wandering around aimlessly in the hopes of finding a way out. Though I’d been growing stronger over that period of time, I felt unbearably lonely, and even wondered if I had died a couple times.

Until just now.

Suddenly I was somewhere else. Lying on my back, mind reeling, feeling dizzy and slightly ill. I gritted my teeth and shifted in place.

Then I heard a small gasp and sensed movement to my left. A hand brushed mine, and I made an attempt to grasp it weakly. It worked.

“Grape! Bayani! Ash!” I heard whoever was beside me call. It was female… Dul? “Get in here! I think he’s waking up!”

“What?!” Heavy footsteps: two pairs of them. Then two more presences joined the first. “Bayani’s out on mining team. It’s just us two here. Is he…?”

A small wave of pain hit me and I groaned unwillingly, my eyes fluttering. A soft light flickered above me, and I could only make out three pairs of eyes hovering over me, all concerned.

“Quick,” an unfamiliar voice whispered. “Give him a golden apple or he’s going to fall back under.”

Someone beside me moved, and soon I saw the apple being held out to me. “Please eat this, Tomahawk,” pleaded the person, and sure enough, it was Dul. “You’ll feel better.”

I trusted her, so I weakly took a bite out of the apple. Instantly, strength flooding through my limbs; some of the dizziness vanished, and I was able to move a bit easier. Dul helped me finish the apple, and by the time I did, I felt fine (if not a bit tired) and was finally able to see clearly.

Sure enough, three people hovered over me: Dul to my left, Grape on my right, and a strangely familiar girl directly in front of me. I met her eyes and gasped.

“You…” I breathed in surprise.

She smiled. “Glad to see you’re finally okay.”

Her eyes… I’d seen them before I blacked out. She must’ve been the one who destroyed the mobs.

“Tomahawk,” cut in Grape. “This is Ash. She got to you before the mobs could kill you.”

I grinned at her. “Thanks. That’s pretty brave of you: those things are more dangerous than they seem.”

She nodded. “I’ve had a lot of practice, that’s for sure.” She hesitated before turning to Dul and Grape. “Is it okay if I talk to him alone? I won’t be long.”

Grape shrugged. “Come on, Dul. Let’s go tell the others that Tomahawk’s awake.” He glanced down at me as he stood and gave me a fistbump. “Good to see you awake, buddy.”

“Good to be awake.”

Dul smiled and squeezed my hand again before following Grape out of the room, leaving me by myself with Ash.

She sat on the edge of the bed, and I shifted to make room for her.

“What exactly happened? After I blacked out?” I asked curiously. “I don’t remember much more than your eyes.”

She blushed a soft pink. “I snatched you up and tried to find a shelter so I could heal you up. I ended up finding a cobblestone structure in the nearby plains.”

I stared. “That’s where the rendezvous point was.”

Ash nodded. “Your two friends were inside: Graser and Rusher. When I opened the door, Graser grabbed you from me and Rusher pinned me to the wall with his sword.” She smirked. “Not that he would’ve been able to hurt me much, but it did surprise me. It was only after I convinced Graser that I’d saved you that I was able to give you a healing potion. You were on four hearts, and it was pretty urgent.” Her eyes were blankly burning a hole into the wall. “We ran to this base, with Graser carrying you and Rusher and I defending from mobs. Sticking to open areas and staying away from water, we managed to make it here before dawn. When we got inside, I was attacked again by Bayani.”

I chuckled at the exasperation in her tone.

“Graser and Grape got him to back off, and we got you to a bed in here so you could heal up. That was about two days ago. We’ve kept a watch on you ever since, because to keep you from falling unconscious again, you needed a golden apple when you woke up. And that leads us to here.”

I took this time to look her over. She was extremely attractive, with her smooth black hair tied into a messy ponytail and her fitting leather outfit that appeared very convenient for combat. And those eyes…

“Who are you?” I found myself asking out loud.

Her smile, this time, was sad. “I’ve been asking myself the same thing.”

Filler chapter, mostly. Tomahawk had to wake up before the next chapter could happen, so... xD


What are some minor things you'd like to see in this story? Please nothing that would majorly change the plot: just some things like different POVs or certain, fairly insignificant events. I want to improve this story to you guys' liking.

Vote and comment for more! See you next time, and remember to ENTER THE CONTEST! :D


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