Chapter Four

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Hey everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Pixel! ;)

So school has been as busy as ever, but thankfully not so busy that I don't have time for chapters. We're still on our normal uploading schedule of Wednesday and Thursday, no worries!

I'm dedicating this chapter to MissyThePiggy because she messaged me on Saturday asking if I'd read her Cube fanfic and give my opinion on it. And guys, it has some serious potential and deserves a lot more reads than it has. It's pretty similar to Begin Again, so if you liked that story, please go check out her story 'Strange'! 

Anyway, here's chapter four. You guys requested H's POV the most, so here it is! ;)

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy!

L I A M  [ H B O M B ]

“…and that’s it for the first episode of Pixel, you guys! Make sure to leave a like, it really does help, and I’ll see you guys next time! Bye!” I swiped my left hand down to stop the recording, grinning. For my first episode, I’d found the perfect place to settle not too far from spawn: a large hill next to a lake in a taiga. The recording had been spent building a home in the side of the hill, and making it cozy enough for me to be comfortable as well as organized enough to not drive me crazy. 

I sat at the edge of the water, just looking out at the rising sun. It’d only been about two hours since the intro had been filmed, but I was already having the time of my life. Being inside Minecraft was amazing, so much cooler than I’d thought it would be. It was just so much more real than it had ever felt before. How would I be able to go back to normal Minecraft after this?

A notification dinged in the corner of my vision, and I glanced down, tapping it with a hand. It was a message in chat, from Graser:

Graser10: Can you guys come back to spawn real quick? Something’s wrong.

I frowned. I knew Pixel was bound to have bugs, but if Graser was calling us all back to 0.0, something had to be seriously messed up. I quickly responded.

HBomb: On my way.

I grabbed a few resources from my chests and took off at a sprint, grateful that my place was close. As I ran, I spotted the replies of the others in the chat box.

Grape: Coming.

Tomahawk: Headed there now.

Bayani: Be there soon.

Within a couple of minutes I spotted the pillar that Graser had made. He was pacing around it, looking worried and slightly frustrated.

“Graser!” I called, slowing to a stop next to him and grabbing a quick bite of chicken to replenish my hunger from the long run. “What’s up?”

“Let’s wait for the others to get here.” His voice cracked a little halfway through, and my concern grew. What’s got him so upset?

One by one, the others dashed to our spot from various directions around the world, all expressions confused. Soon enough we all surrounded Graser again, who was still pacing.

“What’s the matter, G?” asked Straub, and we all nodded.

Graser stopped and faced us. “We can’t log out into the real world.”

“WHAT?” everyone yelled, including myself. Graser had taught us the logout process: just a simple button on the menu screen. We all immediately tried just that. My finger hit the button, and an error popped up: ‘ Unable to service your request ’

Fear was growing in all of us, I knew. We all waited hopefully as everyone tested the button.

No one had any success. The same error on every screen.

It was silent for a few minutes, all of us just staring at each other or at the ground in blank shock. What had seemed like paradise just moments ago now felt like a nightmare.

It was Tomahawk who broke the silence.

“So, basically, we’re trapped here?”

Graser took a deep breath, and the word that escaped his mouth was the one nobody wanted to hear.


Ugh, I feel so bad for writing this, but oh well. xD


Tell me a funny story about something that happened at your school one time. Not really a question, but I was talking with my best friend from when I was little and we were sharing stories, and they were super funny. I want to hear one from each of you guys xD

In case you were curious, here's one of my favorites:

Flashback to sixth grade English class. My teacher's name was Mr V (as his name was difficult for us to pronounce at the time), and everyone had a joking-type relationship with him. He could be funny and keep a straight face and tone at the same time. One day, we were working on our partner reading project thing (I don't remember exactly what it was), and some of the other teams (we were assigned three teachers, and rotated through them throughout the day. Each group of teachers was called a team) were out at recess at that time. Mr V's room had three windows, all facing the playground area. So we were simply working and this one kid out at recess just walks up to one of the windows and starts staring in all creepy-like, so Mr V went over and shut the blinds for that window. The kid then MOVED to the second window, which Mr V also closed. THEN he moved to the THIRD window. Mr V then sent this kid named Sean, who was in my class, to go outside and tell the kid to "Get lost." His exact words. Everyone just started laughing, but the best part was that Sean actually told the kid that word for word. He left us alone after that, but I still remember it for some reason.

Anyway, vote and comment for more! Until next time!


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