Chapter Fifteen

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Hello everybody, and welcome back to Pixel! c:

Sorry for the late update, but I've been at a friend's house all day. ^^

I got Blood of Olympus yesterday and I'm about a fifth of the way through it. I love it so far :D

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy!

J O R D A N  [ B A Y A N I ]

“Jordan!” yelled Dul. “I think they’re back!”

I abandoned my location in the kitchen, where I’d been preparing the meal for the night, and raced outside, followed closely by TYBZI, Rusher, and Tomahawk. It was nearing late afternoon, and Dul was standing by the portal, a few feet from the lake, her hands over her mouth. I only had to take a few steps closer to see why.

I darted forward, taking the weight of Graser off of Straub and Ash, and Tomahawk rushed forward to help. One glance at his arm made me want to hurl, but I knew we had to help him, so together Tomahawk and I urged him gently back to base, trying to ignore his gasps of pain as best we could. I heard TYBZI, Dul, and Rusher hurrying to help the others behind us.

Just as we were settling Graser into his bed, the others returned, all beat up in some way. Grape had a slightly less severe burn on his leg, Ash had arrows in her arm, and all of them were covered in ash and soot. Dul assisted a limping Grape to a bed (though he insisted he was fine), and TYBZI carefully maneuvered Ash onto another. 

“Geez, guys,” exclaimed Rusher. “What happened?”

I was wondering the same thing.

Grape gritted his teeth. “We found the fortress. There were five blazes, easy enough. But then our potions wore off and Graser got burned. Then several more blazes and some wither skeletons came down the hallway. We had no choice but to run.”

A brief silence. 

“Did you get any blaze rods?” asked Tomahawk.

“I think we got three,” guessed Grape tiredly. “We were more focused on escaping than blaze rods at that point.”

“Understandable,” I told him. “Everyone got out alive, which is the good news. We just have to heal you up.” I turned to the uninjured. “H, Straub, go clean yourselves up. You’ll feel way better. Dul, TYBZI, could you go get some of the dinner in the kitchen for each of the nether party members? Tomahawk, you come with me to get the medical supplies, and Rusher, you stay here. Okay?” Nods all around.

I pushed open the door that led to the storage room, Tomahawk hovering over my shoulder. After sifting through a few chests, I brought out a health potion, a couple golden apples, three buckets of water, some leaves, some sticks, and a bit of string. After handing half the supplies to Tomahawk, I reentered the bedroom, where Rusher had struck up a conversation with Ash about what had happened.

I settled next to Graser first, his wound being the most serious. I tipped the health potion down his throat and gave him an apple to eat with his not-burned limb. Then I went to work on the wound, carefully rinsing it with one of the water buckets to get the ash and dirt out of it. Graser winced, and I mumbled, “Sorry,” before continuing. Four minutes later, I’d created a makeshift splint out of sticks, leaves, and string, binding his arm in place until the healing aspects could kick in.

“Thanks, Bayani,” said Graser as I moved to Grape.

“Of course, bud,” I replied, now focused on my new patient.

Soon enough, I’d given Grape an apple and rinsed and bound his leg as well. I then headed to Ash, gently tugging the arrows out of her arm (much to her discomfort) and repeating the process. By the time I’d finished, H and Straub had returned and Dul and TYBZI had brought food.

“Wow, Bayani,” commented TYBZI, impressed. “You did a good job.”

“Thanks…” I answered, slightly embarrassed.

We ate dinner in the bedroom that night by torchlight, telling stories of our lives before we met each other. It was our pathetic attempt to keep our minds off the situation, but it was working. Even Ash, who couldn’t remember her own past, laughed at our tales.

It had been one crazy day.

And I had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last.

Mostly filler. I have plans for the next few chapters. >:)


Which character (out of all of my stories) do you like the best? Personality wise, etc? I want to improve my characterization. It can be one of the Cube members and the way I wrote them: who's your favorite?

Vote and comment for more! Until next chapter!


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