Chapter Sixteen

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Hello everybody, and welcome back to Pixel!

I had my PSAT today. Phew ~ ^^"

Anyways, my best friend (the same as last time, yes) came over Sunday and I let her pre-read this chapter. She gave me a crap-ton of ideas for the rest of this story, so a lot of the subtle plot points coming up? Yeah, that's her. Love you ~ ;)

~ EDIT: I now have an! Check me out at ;D Ask me any questions you want! ~

I told you guys a few days ago after I wrote this one that you were going to hate me. And I know you are. This chapter made me cry writing it, and my best friend said "oh my god, they are going to hate you" when she read it, so...

** Anyways, after this story ends (which won't be for another few weeks at least), I am considering taking a different turn with my stories. I've done a ton of Cube fanfiction, but I've found myself... losing interest in them lately. I still love them as my characters, but I've been watching their videos less and less. I'll still have the upcoming 'fic that I'm working on with my contest winner, but most likely, I'll be branching off to a different fandom for my next story, or I may write a completely original story. Who knows? Some fandoms I'm considering are Sonic the Hedgehog (of course), Harry Potter (though that's a bit overdone), and possibly Percy Jackson (most likely, if I did this, It'd be a continuation of after Blood of Olympus). I also have a few ideas for original stories, but they're still developing, obviously. **

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy this chapter (maybe...)!

W I L L  [ K I I N G T O N G ]

When Parker joined the conversation, I prayed for good news.

I was worried about the others. Bayani had told me that they were planning their nether trip, and I was honestly scared for them. It made me sick to think about it, and I was constantly fighting my attacks. It was becoming harder by the day.

“Hi, Parker,” greeted Bee, smiling as he entered the teamspeak.

“Hello, beautiful people!” he declared with a grin. “What’s up?”

“Any news from the creators?” asked Devon.

I held my breath.

Parker’s face fell. My heart sunk.

“Well, I just got an email. It… it basically said that they didn’t know what was wrong or how to fix it. They’re going to try, but basically, we’re on our own.”

The emotions resurfaced. I probably would’ve been able to fight them if not for the pain.

A sharp pain shot through my left arm and I cried out, grabbing at it. Sudden fear and despair flooded through me, and my emotions reached a dizzying crescendo. My vision went dark, and I wasn’t in my room anymore.

The screams filled my ears again. My sister’s voice, over and over: “Leave him alone!” “Take me instead!” and my own sobs of horror. For days, I’d been dreaming this same nightmare: the night my sister vanished. I couldn’t tell if it was memory or imagination; either way, it contributed to my anxiety. I yelled and screamed, but my sister’s screech echoed in my mind all the same, followed by silence.

Then an image, unfamiliar, appeared.

I was running. The surroundings were blood-red, and I was going so fast that I couldn’t identify where I was. Pain, blinding pain, lanced through my left arm. Somewhere near me, voices yelled, and I felt a hand grasp my uninjured arm and pull. 

A clear voice suddenly cut through my visions: “Will! Will! It’s not real, wake up!”

It all disappeared, and then I could feel the chair underneath me again, the headphones on my head. The pain in my arm had subsided to a dull throb. I opened my eyes.

Bee, Devon, and Parker were staring at me through the teamspeak in concern.

I deliberately slowed my quick breathing. “It… happened again, didn’t it?”

Tears were streaming down Bee’s face. “It did, Will. You just started screaming and thrashing around in your chair. It took us five minutes to wake you up.”

“I could’ve controlled it, but something happened to my arm…” I trailed off, confused.

Devon gave me a weird look. “Will, nothing’s wrong with your arm.”

I removed my hand and glanced down at it. Sure enough, in the place where it ached, the skin appeared unharmed.

A headache suddenly pounding within my skull, I rested my head in my hands. “I’m sorry, you guys.”

“Hey, dude, it’s alright,” Devon responded. “We’re glad we can be here for you. Go get some rest: we can talk to the others in the morning.”

Relief washed through me: I was suddenly exhausted. “Alright. See you guys later. And thanks.” The three chorused goodbye before I clicked out of teamspeak and fell into bed, head throbbing.

It had been weeks since I’d had an attack.

So what had changed?

I'm pretty sure 90% of you guys have made the connection. I'll leave you be,


Go back and read the above part of the AN (the part marked with **) and it would be great to hear opinions. What fandoms would you like to see me write fanfiction for? Do you feel like I should stay with the Cube community? Would you like to see an original story?

Vote and comment for more! Until next time!


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