Chapter Five

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Hi guys! Welcome back to another episode of Pixel!

So I just had a friend over for three hours and I'm going to another friend's house in about 45 minutes, so I only have this much time in between to post this chapter. Thankfully it was prewritten ^^ I know the last chapter's cliffhanger would've been more exciting and shocking if it wasn't in the description of the story, but I can't change it now. Sorry! 

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy chapter five!

S E A N  [ G R A P E ]

I was frozen. Shocked beyond belief at the fact that there was no way for us to get back to the real world. Going into all of this, the possibility had never crossed my mind, but I was cursing myself now for not being my usual paranoid self for once.

There was really no way home.

We all just sat there in silence for at least a good five minutes. Each Cube member wore similar expressions: a mix of surprise and despair, mostly. TYBZI buried his face in his hands, and I almost did the same.

At last, Bayani decided to speak again.

“Now what?”

It was the question on everyone’s mind. What do we do now?

And suddenly, I felt my logical side, the one that served me so well in PVP, take over.

“Stay together,” I stated, catching everyone’s attention. “We can pile our resources and help one another. And now that we can’t return home…” I trailed off, then regained my courage. “I don’t want to know what happens if we die. Therefore, we should treat this like UHC, except it’s us against Minecraft. At least until we figure out how we can return to Earth,” I finished, satisfied when they all nodded in agreement.

“We can build a huge place to stay,” added Bayani. “Have certain people mine, certain people go out for wood, food, etc, and have others stay and work on the house. We can rotate shifts so everything’s even.”

“Wow,” said Tomahawk, awed. “That actually sounds like it would work.”

Graser nodded. “Everyone in agreement with Grape and Bayani’s idea?” More nods. “Great! Any ideas for a base location?”

“I know,” H piped up. “My place isn’t far from here. I built it into a huge hill, so we can expand it. There’s a lake right outside, and it’s in a taiga, but there’s an oak forest nearby, maybe 100 blocks.”

I weighed the pros and cons in my head. “Sounds good, H.”

Murmurs of agreement rippled through our group before Graser spoke again. “I say we put Grape and Bayani in charge. It was their plan, after all.”

I was about to protest when Bayani leaned over to me and whispered, “He’s right, dude. I think we’d make a good team.”

I sighed. “Okay, I’m in if you are,” I replied softly. It wouldn’t be so bad if I had Bayani to help lighten the load.

It was a few seconds before I realized that all of them were looking at us.

“Sure, if that’s what you guys want,” Bayani told everyone, shrugging. I smiled my verification.

“Then it’s settled,” Tomahawk confirmed. He stuck his right hand out into the center of our little circle, and one by one, we placed our hands on top of his.

I took a deep breath and forced a grin. 

“Let’s do this.”

Filler, mostly, but I had to get the plan laid out here. I couldn't skip them figuring out what to do xD


Do you guys speak any languages other than English? I've been in my French 1 class for about two weeks now and I can already say quite a bit, I think ^^

Vote and comment for more! Until next chapter, au revior (goodbye)!


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