Chapter Seven

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What's up, guys? Welcome back to Pixel! c:

I don't really have much to say right now other than I wrote this chapter a day after I wrote the last one ^^ Another prewritten one because I was so excited. I hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as I am!

Remember to follow @code_cherry on Twitter, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy chapter seven!

Z A C H  [ G R A S E R 1 0 ]

I glanced again through the holes in the wooden door of the cobblestone shelter we had made, biting my lip. “Still no sign of him. We can’t stay here much longer, or the others will start to worry.”

Rusher and I had waited at the rendezvous point until sundown, but there had been no sign of Tomahawk. We then built a small little shelter out of cobble with torches surrounding it. In the plains we were in, it was impossible to miss at night. It was just past dark, and I could hear the growling of mobs outside.

Rusher, meanwhile, had built a crafting table and was working on things he’d normally fix up at base. “I dunno, dude,” he said, turning away from his project to face me. “Do you think he got lost or something?”

I shrugged. “All I know is that, right now, he’s out there alone with the mobs.” I pressed the broken chat box in frustration with my left hand. “And we can’t even send word to Grape or Bayani.”

“I know, man. This sucks,” commented Rusher, refocusing on his project. 

I slid against the wall of the base and sat on the grass, pulling out a piece of chicken and halfheartedly munching on it to satisfy my hunger bar. With each passing minute, my concern for Tomahawk grew, and I didn’t know what we would do if morning came and there was no sign of him.

I froze when I heard a crunching noise outside. “Rusher,” I hissed. “Something’s outside.”

He stilled before creeping under the door and crouching on the other side of the entrance, pressing a finger to his lips and pulling out his sword. I did the same.

Footsteps grew louder, and soon enough they were directly on the other side of the door. “This will have to do,” someone muttered, and the door opened. Rusher and I sprang up, swords pointed at the figure.

Startled blue eyes stared back at us. And that was when I noticed what the figure was holding.

“Tomahawk!” I gasped, dropping my sword and rushing forward to snatch him from the person’s arms. I carried him quickly inside and settled him as comfortably as I could on the grass floor. I gave him a quick once-over. He was unconscious, and obviously hurt, judging from all the dry blood stuck to his skin and clothes. His wounds, however, were bound with leaves and clotted. I frowned.

Rusher, meanwhile, had the person pinned against the wall by the throat. “What did you do to Tomahawk?” he growled angrily. I turned to get a better look, and I saw her.

A tall girl with sleek, black hair tied into a ponytail stood there, trying to pry Rusher’s sword away from her neck. She wore thick, black leather pants and a similar vest/jacket over a black t-shirt, silver chains dangling from both (probably smelted from iron). Matching leather boots that rose almost to her knees adorned her feet. The handle of a sword poked out from a sheath strapped to her waist. And when I met her eyes, I was repelled by a fierce ice-blue that made me unwillingly recoil.

“You idiot,” she hissed, glaring at Rusher. “I didn’t do anything to him! I was the one that saved his sorry ass!”

“Really,” drew out Rusher, not budging. “Explain.”

She rolled her eyes with impatience. “He was being attacked by a crap-ton of mobs in that roofed forest over there,” she explained irritably. “I killed them all, but by the time I did, he was unconscious. All I could do was try to find shelter for us, and this was the first thing I found.” She nodded at his body on the ground. “He’s at four hearts. I bound up his wounds, but I needed to get somewhere safe to heal him more fully.”

“Rusher,” I muttered without thinking. “Let her go.”

He threw me a bewildered look before stepping back and sheathing his sword. “You better not be lying,” he threatened, still glaring at the girl.

She glared back, unafraid. “I’m not.” Crossing the room in three strides, she crouched down next to me. “Now, if I’d gotten to him before he passed out, a golden apple would’ve fixed him. But now that he is, it’ll have to be a health potion.” She dug in her inventory and pulled out a glass bottle, bubbling with a pinkish liquid inside. I watched, unable to move, as she tipped it gently down his throat.

He twitched slightly and groaned before falling silent again.

“There. He should be fine in two or three days.” She turned to me. “I heard you say his name was Tomahawk. What about you guys?”

“I’m Graser,” I introduced. “And that’s Rusher. Um… sorry about attacking you,” I apologized, slightly embarrassed.

“I don’t blame you,” she replied. “I would’ve done the same. But I’ve been the only person here for a while now, so seeing some fresh faces is a bit refreshing.” She gave me a look. “What are you guys doing here, anyway?”

I shifted in place. “We were testing out Pixel for a new series on our YouTube channels. Now we can’t log out and we’ve been stuck here for a couple days. There’s about six more of us back at base, but the two of us stayed here to wait for Tomahawk.”

She blinked slowly. “They haven’t worked the bugs out of that yet,” she commented, appearing slightly surprised. “Why would they release it for the public to use?” she mumbled, half to herself. 

I frowned. “What do you know about Pixel?”

“This sounds crazy, but… everything. I don’t know how, I just do.” She stared at the wall blankly. “I can’t remember anything beyond what’s happened in my time here in Minecraft. But for some strange reason, I could explain to you everything about virtualization, Pixel, and how to best play this game to survive.”

I stole a glance at Rusher, who looked as baffled as I felt. I placed a hand on her shoulder, and she tensed, returning her gaze to me wearily.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

She smiled bitterly. “I’ve never known my name,” she stated. “But you can call me Ash.”

I've been a bit eager to introduce Ash for a while now. I've had her in my head since I started writing this story, and I finally figured out how to work her in. I have high hopes for her character :)


Do any of you have an xBox live account? If so, message me your gamertag and maybe I can friend you because I just figured out how to set xBox live up on my xBox (after like 2 months, oops) and I'm currently a loner xD

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