Chapter 3

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Loki's POV

I arrived not a moment to soon I quickly sat on the bed when two guards entered my chambers.

"The Grandmaster would like your company in the contest of champions." One of them said.

"Please tell him that I wish to watch when his beloved champion is in the ring..."

The guards nodded. But before the closed the doors I said.

"And notify me!!!"

~Little time skip to when Thor is going to fight the Hulk~

I entered the Grandmaster's 'spectator room' and grabbed a drink then I sat in his long blue and white sofa. I saw Thor enter the arena "please don't die..." I thought to myself. As he fastened on his helmet the opponent (Grandmaster's most. Beloved,cherished,savage, Champion)


Oh Shit it was THE HULK??!!


"Oh shit! I've got to get out of this planet!!" I scream whispered to myself

As I was trying to get out of the room the Grandmaster entered the room and stopped me.

"Whoa hey there going so soon?" The Grandmaster said stopping me right in my tracks as he guided me back to my seat.

"Loki! Loki! Look who it is!!!" Thor shouted at me pointing at the Hulk. The Hulk just stared at me.

"Oh HELL YA I KNOW HIM!!! HE'S MY DEATH!!!" I screamed in my head. "Stop.. stop don't tell him I'm HERE YOU INSUFFERABLE OAF!!!" I started to panick. "I'm safe up here, right?.. no I'm safe I'm safe..." I continued the chant in my head as if it were a spell. It's going to be a longgg day.

~Time Skip~

Thor's POV

I was looking at the quinjet while planning a escape plan, my body still sour from just now. Then a green mist flowed from behind be and I turned to look.

"Hello brother.. looks like you're not dead..." it was Loki the real Loki I can sense it.

"Yes I seams but I feel like hel..." I let out a little chuckle.

Loki let out a chuckle

"So What brings you here?"

"I've made my decision.."

With this I looked at him seriously.

"Are you going to stand by me?" I said seriously

"What could go wrong?" Loki gave me a little smile it was small but sincere.

"Everything." I let out a small laugh and went to hug him.

"Wait how do I know you won't backstab me??" I asked pulling away slightly so I can see his face.

"Remember when we were children?, Every time I promised to you I always fulfilled my promises?, well I promise now.." he said raising both his hands.

"Ok... hey! You didn't stab me just now!!" I said smiling proudly and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Oh right ehehe.."

Oh By Odin's beard he's so cute- Wait WHAT?! Snap out of it Odinson!!! I-I can't possibly f-fancy him.. he's my brother for Odin's sake!!.

"Thor? Brother?" I was snapped out of my thoughts to a worried Loki.. Wait WHAT? Loki worries of ME?!.

"Are you alright brother?"

"Uh.. oh Yeah I'm fineee hehe.." I laughed awkwardly oh good job Thor.. you just made this more awkward!!.

"Oh ok.. well will you tell me this briliant plan of yours?"

"Oh! Right!"

So I told Loki the plan and we just need Valkyrie and Hulk.(It's not that different from the Thor Ragnarok one)

"Wait. WHAT?! We're bringing that giant Monster??!!!" Loki shouted at me

"We need him Loki... I- I'll protect you don't worry!" I said trying to comfort him

"Ok you better promise so!" He hissed

"I promise..."

"Good ok well we should do it tomorrow..."


"Remember Thor the time here is faster than Asgard so it won't hurt to rest a little, but by tomorrow you must get the Valkyrie and the Hulk to join us understand?" Loki cutted me


"Good ok well see you later brother!"
Before he teleported though he gave me a peck on the cheek.


I was left there alone standing,gaping, and blushing like idiot. His hands lying on the place Loki kissed. And was left to wonder what did that mean?

Loki's POV

OMF OMF OMF (oh my Laufy) I.JUST.KISSED.THE.MGHTY.THOR.MY.BROTHER, Wellll I am adopted and it was just on the cheek but... I just sat on my bed my face in my hands cause I know I probably look as red as a beetroot. What will he think? What will THOR think?? What if he HATES ME???!!!, ughh I've just made a grave mistake... how could my body just moved on its own like that??... what if he founds out that I, that I fancy him?? Ahhh I hope he doesn't bring that up tomorrow... oh Gods of Valhalla help me!!!

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