Chapter 5

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Thor's POV

"Loki?" Thor asked snapping me out of my thoughts. As I looked up I saw everyone looking at me.

"Huh? Oh yes, what is it?" I asked quickly, my face burning up. That was so unprofessional of me...

"We're going" Valkyrie replied instead of Thor while snickering at me.

I threw her a death glare before replying "Ok then what are you waiting for let's go." I stood up and walking past them.

The Valkyrie and Banner went to get Thor's friends and will meet us later, and me and Thor will get the Commodore.


We arrived at the elevator that was going up to the Commodores docking place.

"It's ironic, Frigga's death brought us apart but Odin's death brought us together..." I chuckled humorlessly.

"That's good isn't it?, like the good old times."

"Yes the good old times... the times where I was constantly bullied for my size, using magic, and I was constantly lied to.. ahh the good old times.." my words were dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh Loki-"

"Don't! I don't need your pity!" I felt bad for snapping at him but i didn't want to be pitied especially by him.

There was some awkward silence before he spoke up again.

"Hey we should do get help!"


"Get help!"


"Come on you love it."

"I hate it."

"It's great it works everytime!"

"It's humiliating!"

"Do you have a better plan?"


"We're doing it!"

"We are NOT doing get help."

We ended up doing it anyways, as the doors open it revealed Thor carrying me by the shoulder and the patrolling guards opposite us.

"Get help! Please my brother he's dying! Get help help him!!!" He shouts while throwing he towards the guards.

"Ahh classic..." he said while I stood up brushing and fixing my clothes.

"I still hate it..." I replied.

"Right well which ship did she told us to get?"

"The Commodore." I said nodding my head towards the ship.

As we walked towards the ship Thor asked me with caution "Uh Loki.. do you think you could stay here and wait for Korg and the others and lead them to Asgard.. cause me might need some backup if something happens..."

I felt my heart broke to pieces I thought he trusted me... maybe still not fully... but I guess he's right we could use some backup...

"...sure I guess..." I said slowly.

"Great! Well then I'll see you later! Be careful!" He said patting my shoulder but before the boarded the ship there was the Grandmasters holo.

"Sakaarins! Apparently the seductive God Of Thunder has stolen my beloved champion! Take to the streets find him!" Then the holo died out.

"Suductive god of thunder?! I gotta go!" He repeated his face horrified, I couldn't help but snicker at his face and the nickname.


"Oh its nothing your seductive-ness." I said while batting my eyes, putting the back of my hand on my forehead, and the other hand pretended to fan me.

"Lokiiii!!!" He shouts at me his face blushing, he looks to handsome when he's embarrassed.

"Oh come on to Asgard with you!!!" I said to him, my hand signaling for him to go while smiling at him.

He smiled back and entered the ship starting it off and flying of, leaving me and yet again alone.

Momments later as Korg and his friends arrived I rejoiced because I knew soon I'll be reunited with my beloved~.

"Hey man we're gonna jump on that giant spaceship and get out of here wanna come?" He asked me.

"Well you do seem in desperate need of leadership." I said putting one of my hand on my hip smirking at him.

"Thanks man!"

Now I just gotta get on that ship, go to Asgard, reunite with Thor, finally become the hero, and I might as well get my old life, but even if everything fails and Hela destroys everything at least I'll die protecting Asgard and beside my beloved bro- Thor~. I couldn't stop grinning on the way to the ship.

But what if he didn't make it? What if I arrive there and he's not there? No,no,no,NO! Snap out of it!! He is a tough man!! Remember every time you tried to stab him and he was unscathed?? A little bumpy road won't hurt him... well that was what I was trying to tell my self.

"Uh Korg is it?" I asked the kronan.

"Uh yeah man! How did you know?"

"I'm uh Tho- the Lord Of Thunder's Brother." It felt good calling him brother, like the old times when we were close.

"And he may need our help back home so if we could fly to my home thought that." I said pouting the Devils anus.

"Oh! okay man!" He said cheerfully and went to tell the pilot, and I was once again alone.

I went to explore the gigantic ship, I saw lots of private chambers, a bar, a kitchen, and a lounge room. I sat at one of the chairs in the lounge room preparing myself for the upcoming suicide mission. Soon enough I'll meet my love again, though I doubt that he loves me as well, he might as well manipulate me to help him and toss me into the dungeons again once we're done and forget about me. And I understands that he hates me I tried to kill him thousands of times, try to destroy Joutunheim, try to rule Midgard, and he did say "if you betray me, I'll kill you"  when we was saving that banshee of a girlfriend he has. I was really jealous but what can I do I'm the villain she's the damsel in distress, and he's the all mighty Hero, but who cares now that banshee finally broke up with him thank the gods... and now I'll finally meet him and be happy or not we'll I don't really care at least I can see him on a day-to -day basis. Hah the things you do for Love.

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