Chapter 11

864 47 11

3rd Person POV

Thor woke up from hearing some muffled sobs and cries, he quickly ran to Loki's bed where the latter was sleeping, and apparently having nightmares.

"Loki?, Loki wake up it's just a nightmare, I'm here, calm down!" Thor said while shacking Loki awake.

Loki's eyes flew open, he looked around for a minute before latching on to Thor.

"I'm sorry- I woke you up..." he said sniffling, still latching on to the older male.

"It's ok, was it another nightmare?" Thor questions while rubbing circles on his back.

"Y-yes..." Loki answered hesitantly.

"Do you want to tell me about it?, you might feel better.." Thor said.


"It's ok if you don't want to..." Thor said softly.

"O-ok ca-can I... never mind.." Loki said letting go of Thor and looking down on the bed sheets.

"It's ok, what do you want?" Thor asked.

"Uh... can I sleep with you?" Loki asked, but quickly added "I mean last time when I fell asleep beside you I didn't have any nightmares and- but I can- I should just sleep again good night brother!" Loki said quickly laying back down and bringing his bed sheet to his head and hoping that Thor will ignore him and go back to sleep.

"Loki... it's ok, I'm ok with it, after all we're lovers right?" Thor said chuckling, he picked Loki up still in the bed sheets.

Loki yelped at the act and peeked out of the sheets, blushing.

"Put me down you oaf!" Loki complained.

"Awww is little Loki mad?" Thor said chuckling walking to his bed.

"N-yes! Thor put me down!!!" Loki whines.

"Sure thing princess." Thor said letting Loki fall to his bed when they arrived.

Loki yelps and when he hits the bed he huffs and folds his arms childishly.

"And you said I was acting like a five year old!" Thor said walking to the other side of the bed and crawling on it.

He pulls Loki, making the younger lay down and face him.

"You're such an insufferable oaf you know that?" Loki sighed out.

"I know, but you love me~" Thor said teasingly.

"Whatever." Loki said rolling his eyes and cuddling closer to the older, slowly drifting to sleep.

"I love you." Loki said before letting sleep take over.

Thor smiled softly before he himself fell asleep.


I know, I know, short ass chapter but I really have no idea so have this fluff-ish chapter!.

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