Chapter 9

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Loki's POV

I woke up feeling pleasant, I had no nightmares last night and... yesterday, Thor kissed me!!! Well I mean I'm overeating, one he was drunk, two it was only on my cheek, nothing to important, WHAT AM I SAYING??!! IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!. Anyways I sat up and rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the sleepiness. As I looked around I found that Thor was nowhere in sight, I sigh and stood up only to hear the bathroom door opening.

"Oh morning brother" Thor said as he stepped out of the bathroom, only wearing a towel around his waist, showing his well toned muscles and body, his hair damp and water dripping from the tips, oh Norns and again I found myself admiring and staring at my brother for Norns sake! Well yes as I said over and over I have a crush on him.

"M...morning.." I say as I snap myself from staring at him, I started staring at the wall as I felt my face getting hot.

"Brother? Your face is red is something wrong? Are you sick?" Thor asks as he walks closer to me, oh no, please don't come closer! I felt my brain shutting down, he's to close!...

"N..nothing! I'm fine! An..and put some clothes would you?!" I said as I buried my face in my hands as he came closer.

"No, you're clearly sick!" Thor said completely ignoring what I said about his clothes and walked closer until we were inches apart, I still kept my face in my head as I felt his cold hand on my forehead.

"L..Loki! You're burning up!" He says as he quickly retracts his hand from my forehead.

" I'm not! oaf!!" I say as I look at him, and once again not being able to bring myself to look away.

"Yes you are stop being so stubborn! Now sit down!" He ordered pointing to my bed.

I groaned but complied, I mean how couldn't I?.

"Stay put I'm going to get some medicine..." he says as he re-enters the bathroom and when he comes out, thankfully he's fully dressed.

"I'm fineeee! I'm not sick!!!" I whined as I put a hand on my own forehead, retracting it quickly, well yes perhaps I am just a little sick...

"Yes you are now stay put until I get back!" Thor ordered as he exited our chambers.

Does he actually care or maybe he just doesn't want to carry around dead weight, even with what he did yesterday I still don't really know his feelings towards me, am I his brother like he said thousands of times or am I just a prisoner, a villain, the bad guy, or am I just another unimportant passenger in this ship... A couple of minutes later Thor entered with a tray, on it I saw a glass of water and some pills?.

"What are those?" I asked.

"These pills are from Banner, he took it from the Quinjet, he said its for your fever..." he says calmly as he comes over to me and pulls a chair infront me and sits in it.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"How are you feeling?" I retorted. "I mean last time I saw you you were drunk, where's your hangover?" I asked raising one of my eyebrow.

He scoffed rolling his eyes, "I don't know" he says shrugging. "I guess I don't get it.." he says as he gives me the water glass and pills. "Swallow it with help of the water." He said as he watches me.

"Ok..." I felt my face heat up again as he watches me, I put the pill in my mouth and drown it with the water, closing my eyes as it slides down my throat, trying my best not to choke.

"There, you should get some rest." Thor says as he stood up putting the tray away on a table.

"I'm not tired." I complained.

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