Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV 

Loki sits in his shared chambers looking out to space thinking of the Tesseract, or in other names the Space Stone. Should I take it?, why didn't I?, if I did what would I do with it?, give it to Thanos?, no that's the reason I left it... I was right to leave it there to be demolished. He thought, until Thor entered the room. Loki and Thor had gotten better to each other but Loki is still a little distant.

"Hello brother! what are you thinking?" He says cheerfully.

"Nothing... nothing for you to worry." Loki replies calmly, standing up and facing Thor.

"How was your day?" Loki said trying to change the subject.

"Good, I guess even boring.." Thor replied with a shrug. "how was yours?".

"As good as it gets when you're stuck in your room." 

"Oh... right... they'll come around eventually and you will be able to walk around as you please." Thor says trying to cheer up Loki.

 "Right..." Loki says looking away.

"Do you need anything brother?" Thor tried, he hated seeing his brother like this, all caged up, and restricted.

"Maybe some new books?" He looked back to Thor.

"Of course" Thor nodded. "I'll be back with new books ok?".

"Yes thank you!" Loki said cheerfully as Thor exited the room.

Thor smiled and left the room. he walked towards the quite small library. Loki would've loved this... Thor thought as he took some books he thought Loki would like. As he walked back to his room he was greeted by the citizens, then Valkrie.

"Hello Your majesty. Why the long face?" She asks.

"Nothing.. It's just Loki..." 

"Why? is he acting up again? I would love to kick his pretty ass again!" She said

"No! its the opposite infact... he's been acting off.." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"ohh... what do you mean off?" She asks, as they went to the sidelines of the path to give the people some space.

"Just off..." Thor shrugged. "Not the usual 'IM yOuR superior, KNEEL!!!, I AM A GOD!!!' Loki." Thor said while making (") signs with his free hand. "He has been really soft lately..." 

"Oh... well isn't that better? I never liked that arrogant side of him." She said with a shrug.

"Yeah, but....-"

"You just gotta solve it on your own. Its some sort of family problem, I mean belive me I bet people would Love that side of him, but you're the king, do what you want, make him what you want." She said patting his shoulder than leaving him.

Thor just stood there trying to figure out what she had meant by that. At the end he didn't understand so he just shook it out of his head and went back to his room.

"Loki! I'm bac-" he stopped when he saw Loki lying down on his bed (Loki's Bed) peacefully sleeping, now that he thought about it Loki rarely slept, sometimes woken up by his nightmares.

Thor puts the books by Loki's night stand and he wanted to put a blanket over him but he stopped himself just in time as he remembers Loki is a Jotun, he actually can die from the heat. But he couldn't stop himself from putting back a stray hair from Loki's forehead. He looks so peacefull... Thor thought. he just wanted to take Loki away and hide him from the cruelties of the world and make him smile everyday, but how in the norns is he going to do that?. At least all he can do is ty to make him happy, he will protect him at all costs, his beloved.

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