Chapter 15

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3rd Person POV

"so you're telling me you want to move Asgard to Earth?" Tony asked the God.

"Yes, do I need to repeat it again?" Thor asked nodding his head.

"No.. But why? I mean I know Asgard is destroyed and all but why Earth? I mean the Earth government doesn't work like that and there's not much space here anyways... " Tony informs.

"Well I mean we kinda rule Earth and all, and earth is the most suitable planet for us" Thor replies shrugging.

Loki was patiently waiting for this argument to stop, tired of their bickering.

"Tony's right Thor, were also running out of space here and although it would be wonderful if you stayed here, and how easier contacting you would get, you can't stay here..." Steve says finally having a word in the conversation.

"You hear that brother? We can't live here, so we wont, why don't we just search somewhere else to move Asgard?" Loki also interferes gaining the attention of all of them.

"And what kill all of the planets habitants if the don't 'kneel' to you, heh yeah sounds like a great plan!" Tony says sarcastically making quotation marks with his fingers.

"Oh so what? we just float aimlessly in space with nowhere to live while you mortals have your way? no thank you. Plus I wasn't planning on killing anyone-" Loki says but was cut off.

"No we of course we won't kill anyone but that actually sounds like a good plan Loki" Thor declares getting a smirk from Loki.


Tony just rolls his eyes as Steve nods.

"Yeah, as hard it is to admit he's right.. Is there anything we can help you with? or do you guys need anything for the journey?" Steve asked.

Thor nodded, "We need more food, drinking water, and some supplies if we're going to rebuild Asgard. Plus we don't know where we're moving to so we're probably going to be in space for a long time so we need food and water since we are low on that..." he says.

"Right, we can get you those and maybe Tony, could you make some blueprints for the new Asgard maybe?" Steve asked looking at Tony.

"Well I guess I could do that capsicle." Tony says smirking.

"Thank you Stark" Thor says giving him a small nod.

"No problem, just keep Reindeer games over there on a leash or something" Tony says walking away to his lab to start on the blueprints, his comment earning a scoff from Loki.

"Will do.." Thor muttered.

"What did you say?"


"Thought so"

"... Is there something going on with you two?" Steve asked innocently.

"Nope" Thor replied and a nod from the trickster.

"okay... Alright! we got everything set up, Natasha and Clint could you guys get the Food and Water?" Steve asked turning to the others who were quiet the whole time.

"For Asgard yes, for you," Clint pointed to Loki, "No." Natasha and him walked away without another word.

"Seems like they still hate me" Loki says shrugging.

"We all still do, especially him" Banner says.

just remembering the green giant makes Loki's spine shiver.

"Now it isn't the time to fight or anything, Banner and me will get the supplies Thor and Loki you should get some rest." Steve suggested.

"Yes dear captain, we will. Come on Loki" Thor says turning around and walking to his room.

Loki without saying anything nods at Steve before turning around also and following Thor.

"I think there's something going on with them, what about you Bruce?" Steve turning back to face Banner.

"I don't know" Brucce shrugs.

Steve sighs and nods, "Alright let's get the supplies."

H-hi guys! IM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING!!! it's just I had my final exams, and stuff- also mY BNHA AmInO iS banNEd- yeah I shouldn't be mourning over here but here you go! It's an update! wohoo!!! ok imma excuse myself out now..


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