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-OmegaZero- My Canadian apprentice along with ItzGazza and Jason12346 (My new Irish and Texan apprentices. Jason aka Juan is the guy behind Two From The Board.) were on a Discord call one night talking about this. The_Twisted_Ones_ heard us as I was rambling trying to put this together.

"How do you do it when she's said like two words the whole series?"

If I did Sona I have a feeling that I can do this. I got confidence for it.



(Before I begin I want to devote this to a special someone. She knows who she is. Though I think of her more of a Tatenashi from Infinite Stratos personality wise, she will get it. I am quite confident she understand why too. I hope all is well, I am happy, and continue to wish you and everyone the best. Hope you like it.)

It was late one night at Kuoh Academy and most of the lights were off. The main one that stayed on was the office of the student council. Everyone had taken off including one ready to be out the door.

"Sona is everything in order before I take off?" Asked Saji.

Sona checked everything on her desk. Triple checking all the piles to be sure of it. "I don't see anything else. Worst case can be handled tomorrow. Good evening."

"Night." Saji walked out.

That just left best friends King and Queen of the Sitri House Sona and Tsubaki. They decided to take a break before finishing up the night. Might as well take their time. Have a talk over some nice tea. Though the conversation wasn't as pleasant.

"So Tsubaki how goes it?" Asked Sona.

"I'm still adjusting. You know..."

Sona put her cup down. Otherwise the risk of her cleaning up spilled tea and possibly breaking the cup was far too great. "I know we've been busy. I haven't brought it up until now. Since you went first tell me what happened."

"Kind of nothing-" She knew it was pointless to lie about this. Best friend after all. "Okay." She took a breath. "Kiba aren't talking anymore."

"What?" Gasped Sona.

"Look I feel guilty as is." Huffed Tsubaki.

"Guilty for what? What did you do? You don't flirt with other boys. You've been just doing business and when you have time catch a movie. What else is to it?"

"That's just the thing. He can get any girl he wants. Can't lie I'm jealous of the fact. Well, used to be. He can what he wants now. I only did it to myself. I never made the time. In the weekends free I blew him off I guess. He wants to have fun and go out with another woman. Kiba is free to do so with any woman."

"You don't suppose-"

"I doubt it's Gremory or her Queen. The blonde is hooked onto the Dragon. Her other and him do not have that kind of chemistry. And I just don't see him and her Rook getting together. Too strong for him."

(You will see what I have in store. For my fans who read many of my works I will supply you a hint. Think about Kiba in the nightclub in Nova's story. Comment if you get it. I'll think of a ship name later.)

"Tsubaki how do you feel about this?"

"Well Sona I mean a few weeks have passed by. But you think a boy is going to just pass by and start flirting with me? Not that I'm good at it."

"You have a better physique than me. Surely you can get any guy you want. Truly. Money, power, affection, or anything. One such as yourself can find a lover and with effort have a healthy relationship."

"Can I make the time?"

"Oh come now you next week it will all start to slow down. You should better than that."

"Well Sona I should ask you this. How are you and Saji doing?"

She blushed. "He- I- We're, working on it."

"You know if the roles were reversed why would I think I would be pestering you to get with your crush? A different universe or so."

"Possibly." (Sona's Intern. That was a tough yet solid piece. Helped me write this idea for sure.)

"Well anyways I know we were never intimate or anything but what does it mean that I feel this way? You know, lonely."


"I guess its not having a man to vent to for comfort purposes? I am just not clear on this. That's all."

"Well you know a transfer is heading in. Next week on Monday it all dies down for some time. Which means you're in charge of the new guy. Got it?"

"Hold on a moment. A boy? I need more than just that. What's going on here?"

"A boy in our grade sent to us from the Underworld to be my Pawn. We have already been through that a student was transferring."

"But not a boy! Come on."

"No buts. You are second in command. This is your task. Not hard. Take it as rest. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." Tsubaki sighed. "Though I think men are hazardous to me at the moment."


I'm going to freestyle this one. Prepare for Sundays people. Sunday at Noon New York Time expect a chapter of this. Including holidays. Because I'll be posting this until it's done.

I took some time off to get this in regular routine. Wrote it until it was done. Boom. Surprise. This is one reason why I took leave. Rel-cation as I call.

Hope all enjoyed. Be good.


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