Ch 2 - Mentor

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Tsubaki isn't looking forward to this at all. Because you're a guy. Ain't that sexist. Well after a tough break like Kiba packing bags that does happen. How's this going to roll?

For influence I did some research. Sat down with a few people who do the bills, paperwork, and other essentials. Secretary stuff by professionals. Glad I know my sources. For plot.



Tsubaki sat at the desk and looked everything at the in pile. Pile one was strictly Devil work. Past, present, a and proposed assignments in a bin. "These assignments need to be organized by category, by person,  naturally in alphabetical order and date."

"So we got three piles for categories and for the first to last person go earliest to latest. Alright. I'm filing to start?"

Tsubaki nodded. "Correct. I am confident you can handle this."

"Indeed I can. Thank you so. Mind if I brew some tea while I get started? You're welcome to have some. I make it strong just a heads up."

"Oh-" Is he being forward? He wouldn't flirt with me would he? "How do you drink it?"

"I take it dark. Almost coffee to some. British for others. But I make many types."

( I wonder what my British readers are thinking.)

"A little weaker maybe?" She sweatdropped.

You chuckle. "Sure thing. I'll brew it and get started. I'll do the proposed stake first. Sounds the easiest."

Tsubaki wanted to see if she can read or pick up on something. "How do you figure?" I got to hear about this one. See what he has to say. This could potentially be about his work ethic, logic, and common sense.

You clear your throat. "I don't know how long of a history is here. I can't assume anything. Could be days. Could be months. But I have doubts that the proposals go such a large time ahead. They are usually short in advance."

Not bad. "Very good."

"So you have a file cabinet, or folder, or you just want this on your desk? You're the boss. How you wanna do it?"

"Files and paperclips are in the top right drawer and cabinet is in the corner of the room."

"Nice. Guess I'll get cracking." Time to take that pile and put some desks together. A bigger area to layout as the floor will never do. Looks messy and too much bending over. This was going to be a while.


Rias and Akeno teleported to the Sitri establishment in bathrobes. Nothing says a casual meeting when it involves a bathhouse. Very casual at that. Half a meeting half catching up as friends. Rias and Akeno were usually not on the business side. Sona and Tsubaki however never seemed to be off the clock. By all means this was normal.

"Evening Rias. Akeno." Greeted Sona.

"It's nice to have us all around. So how much business are we talking today? We only have so much time before we prune." Laughed Rias.

"Not much. Slow week." Replied Tsubaki.

"Goodie. We showered off too. Going to be a nice bath." Akeno untied the knot and was the first one in.

Everyone quickly got comfortable. Rias wanted to lead the conversation to wrap it up quick. She figured all deserved to peacefully have this rare occasion. Make it more frequent too. "So Sona I heard you have someone new."

"(FN). Tsubaki is training him. Pure breed Devil we have never heard of. Yet after talking to my father and Serafall he's here. He impressed me too."


Sona walked through the door. "What's with the desks arranged together?" She looked around the room and anyone with a case of OCD like hers would go nuts.

"Apologies Lady Sona." You bowed. "Helped me sort and file the paperwork. All in order of past, present, and proposed then of course name and date. All there. I'll be placing the furniture back and be on my way."

"Where's Tsubaki?" Wondered Sona.

"Lady's room. That is all."


"Honestly Tsubaki he is that good?"

"I guess." She turned away.

"Look he's done nothing wrong." Sona huffed.

"Hmph. Men." Great...

"I want to say sorry about Kiba." Said Rias.

"Nothing to say. We didn't have the chemistry at the end of the day. That's that. I want nothing to do with men at the moment."

"Didn't (FN) make you tea this morning?" Sona just glared at her best friend.

"That, means nothing." Tsubaki blushed.

"Oh come on. Tell us about him. You know more than I do. Just for the sake of it. I'm not asking you to by any means how dreamy he is. Just personality. How is he as a person."

"So far just graceful, obedient, selfless, handso- I mean quite the gentleman. He's almost a butler. Makes very promising tea and wants to do it by the book. That's just how it is. His plans were from what I understand is to be the best Pawn and servant as possible as well as find a-" She froze there. Couldn't continue onward.

"A partner." Corrected Sona.

"Well now. I will meet him soon. Hopefully everything works out for him. I'm sure he can find someone. I think all of us here are not liking him at the moment." Riaslaughed. So did Sona and Akeno.

"Well he can find it wherever he wants. He might be a closet pervert for all we know." Still not facing them it was easy to predict.


"Yes Lady Sona?"

"Tsundere!" Teased the girls.

"Wonderful." She sank closer to the water and blew bubbles. Yup. This was going to take much deep thinking.


I wish I could have a few guys to label girl as Tsundere. I feel like it would be hilarious. Right?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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