Ch 7 - Having A Ball

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Your mock date is fuming as your Master goes for a quick dance. How are these two taking it as they have a slight rivalry?

Speaking of, took another dance for this one.

Also since I have a busy Sunday this is a day early. I keep my schedule as best as I can.



Tsubaki was grumbling as she felt slightly hurt as her best friend grabbed her date's hand and put a hand on the front of his shoulder. Your hand on Sona's waist around the love handle. It was driving her crazy.

I should be holding his hand. His other hand is too close to your butt! She bite into a shrimp. Still can't get over how good this food is. But this dress is to impress. I plan on doing so.

Good. Show him what you can do and have fun. By the way. A mint. Helps break the ice.

Tsubaki looked on her purse and took out two. What a save. Thank you. Popped them in her mouth and tried not to get any sudden movements. As Sona let loose with you.

Footstep forward. "Easy Master. Not having us go all out. It's our first time. I wouldn't do that to you."

"It's fine. Just following through. Though Tsubaki loves to dance. Every dress she buys she must be able to dance in."

You look over. "And she looks beautiful." Whispering to her.

"For you actually." She smirked dancing in a circle with you.

"I say..." You blushed. "Why?"

"This is a date."

"Master it's a mo-"

"She's into you and you need to relax and settle down." She turned away so you were not facing Tsubaki. "We didn't have this conversation. Any questions?"


"For who you are. Ask her if she wants another date. And go elegant with dancing. Slow pace. Hand just a tad lower." She smirked as she slide your hand down. The top of her pants if she had them on.

Sona! Move that hand! Tsubaki was flipping.


"See how she likes it. Only one small adjustment. Make her feel good about yourself."

"Master I am getting nervous."

"Why? It's just Tsubaki."

"You see your best friend and partner. I see her no longer as someone I serve. To me she's no longer a normal person. She's on this date. And I ruined it for her."

"For support. Now get in there." She turned around and started to talk in a normal tone as you separate from her. "Wow. Thank you again. Your turn Tsubaki."

"Thank you." She pulled down her dress and stood in front of you. "Am I too tall?"

"Tallest woman I have ever danced with but no matter. Easier to see your eyes this way."

"My- what about them?" Tsubaki blushed.

"Pretty as can be. Shall We?" Locking your left hand with her right. 


"How close you want?"

"Isn't a man supposed to choose?" 

"Uh- well don't make things awkward really?"

Sona? What did you do to him... Tsubaki should be the nervous one here. Instead you look like you're melting.

I told him. You want to get close then do it. Why does it seem that Sona is pulling strings on both of you?

"Close okay? I mean where do you like your hand?" Tsubaki blushed.

"Chest over shoulder is on your preference and back or love handle on you."

"Handle and chest?" She got into the perfect position as you stepped forward. "My-"

"Okay?" You asked.

"This is good. You like to spin and fancy footwork?"

"Lovely Lady I like everything."

"Well then Babe let's have a go."

Babe. Well whether this date is my last I will make this worth it. You spin her around as she feels her body in slow motion before bringing her back. Then back close again. "Sona said you liked to dance."

"With the right person." She said in flirty tone.

"Well. I plan not to disappoint." Moving around in a circle was a balance check. She knew this then it was time to dial in. Especially someone more eager. Nothing too complicated and breath taking. This wasn't some pissing contest at some evil organization ball in a Bond flick. Gracefully guiding the way as she followed smoothly. After all both of you were new partners. Well, dance partners. It seemed Tsubaki could do more than just read your mind of your thoughts. But also your motions. If you thought left she would meet you. The girls would never tell you their secret but this to you made better chemistry. "You are lovely."

"Actually you're the magical one here. An excellent dancer and host. Spoiling me as if you owe me so much."

"Tsubaki this sounds forward but-"

"Yes?" She looked into your eyes.

"Would you want to do this again?"

"You mean for real?"

"Yes. Everything just the two of us. Just please give me an honest answer. We'll go somewhere else my treat. Pick a place. I'll help you make time if it comes down to it." Talk about spilling your guts out.

"So sudden." Sona?

Say yes and shut up!


"Pick a day. Anyday. I'll roll with it."

"This weekend?"


Tsubaki hugged you. "Thank you for everything Babe." Oh you have no idea how this makes me feel. Feeling accepted and after taking time to adjust. "I can't wait. This is the best date I've ever been treated to."

And now? Sona was watching the show while sipping on her water.

"La- Tsubaki." You blushed and almost said her name formally.

"Hello." She inched closer to your face.

I hope this is my first. You go in for the kiss. Usually the guy goes for majority but she was right there. Time to just go for it and make it happen. Tsubaki did kiss you even though she was just afraid as you were.

I haven't had this in what feels like so long. I haven't had this feeling in some time. I must have missed it. She seperated. "Thank you."

"Looking forward to the second date."

"Me too Babe."

"Well, guess that means we-"

"We aren't."


Sona gasped. What am I ever going to do with you!?


Second date confirmed. Kiss confirmed. Boyfriend title? GOD DAMMIT! Tsundere must be genetically. Seriously.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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