Ch 13 - Rias

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After getting kicked out of Tsubaki's what is your next move? Maybe with some unexpected help. Hint hint.



It was hard to adjust after that one. Tsubaki blew up on you for falling asleep even though she did first. Regardless you put in the effort to get your assignments done and attempted to sleep. Which was just a few tosses one way and a few the other way. A little wrinkly in the bottom part of your dress shirt though you made it to school on your regular time. Sona was in front of the room for the Student Council.

"My lady good morning." You nod.

"Morning. So tell me. What happened last night?" Asked Sona.

"Great dinner. Went to her apartment for coffee. We both fell asleep on her couch. Hours later woke up and kicked me out because it's my fault. That was it."

"She thought it was you to blame? Wow. Alright let's take a walk." She lead the way down the hallway. Somehow smiling. But for what? Punishment? Good news? Odd time to ask a sad question and be so happy. Down the hall she opens the door for a long haired redhead. "(FN) this is Rias Gremory. Princess of the Gremory family."

"Lady Rias this is such an honor. Thank you for having us."

"No problem. Anyways what is this thing going on with Tsubaki? Are you two together? Just dating? Tell me." Rias wanted to help and all centered to attention.

"She kicked me out of her apartment and it was a second date. We're not together. We have kissed and such but we aren't together. Then obviously, I messed up big time. Somehow..."

"Exactly what happened?" Asked Rias.

"After dinner offered to walk her home. We got to her place. She makes coffee and we sit on the couch. She closed her eyes and leaned against me. I closed my eyes too and when she woke up it was basically bed time and we both had homework and such."


"Oh well. Guess I tried." You frowned. "Maybe it was just a mistake."

"Hold on. If you think we are here to lecture you you're wrong. We can straighten her out. Leave it to us."

"Well then Lady Rias what do you suppose I do?"

"I have someone who is going to be put into action and straighten this lesson quick as possible. Oh, and hope you like the flirty types."

You adjust your shirt collar. "Well, my lady that's, different..."

"Wait. Gremory?" Sona glared at her. "You mean?"

"Perfect for the job." Smiled Rias.


"Perfect. For the job. Consider it already done." Rias had her mind made up. No surprise there.

"I, don't know how to flirt..."

"Just have a regular conversation with each other and go from there. She's harmless. Flirty yes. Make you squirm? Very possible. Does she bite? Well actually, maybe a soft one or two on the neck but that's about it."


"Go to class. You'll be fine." Assured Rias.

"Right. Riiiiiight. Good day ladies. Until then." What on Earth did I get myself into here...


Tsubaki the whole day was just worrying about herself. In a hormonal mood and just focused on hitting the books to get her mind off of anything. Especially anything involving you or last night. Awfully quiet and avoided everyone. Even Sona. Though of course it couldn't last for too too long. She was Vice President and had many duties.

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