Ch 4 - The Office

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Now I'm not a The Office addict but it's hilarious. But if you are not a fan of dry humor I get it. So what do I have in mind? A mix up of, well a few references. Can't pull a label on this one.



Tsubaki was nervous as she was alone the Student Council room. Her best friend/Master/President Sona was handling other business. Which meant the Queen and Vice President Tsubaki was in charge. Looking at the clock only two possible people would come through the door in a minute or two. Being you or Saji.

I swear this seems like a set up. Think. Distract yourself. She examined the room for something that may keep her occupied. Finding some work orders as she picked them up. Splendid. She smiled.

"Morning." You open the door.

"Ahhh!" Tsubaki jumped as the papers scattered everywhere. Throwing her hands up in the air. Then she realized the skirt was going up. "Ahhh!" She freaked. Cheeks pink as can be as she pulled it down. Please say you don't know it's purple!

You clear your throat. "Lady Tsubaki?" You walk in and help pick up the scattered papers. "Do we put these in order again?"

"You saw." She turned away.

"Pardon?" You questioned.

"You have a peek?"

You ruffle through the pages you put on a desk. "Madam a gentleman should only see a lady's underwear if she is shopping or plays that certain role in the bedroom. Neither apply. Thank you."


"Back to topic Lady Tsubaki I'll get to organizing. Is Master around?"

"Sona is handling business. I'm in charge for the time being." Let's see how you react to me being the boss Mister Butler.

"Alrighty then Lady Tsubaki what is the first command?" You ask casually.

"Sorry?" You fixed her glasses.

"Surely this paperwork is child's play to your list of duties. May I assist?"

Let's play some sort of game with it. He will be on my command. "After you come with me to give punishments to some students who have serious behavioral history I have you cleaning toilets. Boy's only. No indecency."

"In gratitude for that." You bow.

"I have to ask you something (FN). It's a bit personal."

"By all means go right ahead. We have time I presume?"

"Plenty. Just, who raised you this way?"

"Even though I am a Devil have manners, morals, goals, and abilities. I haven't touched up on a large amount of magic in sometime but comes in handy. For instance magic doesn't essentially make food taste good. However if I use magic to boil water before I throw in pasta I am in business. My mother wanted me to be proper. An understatement as is I assure you. My father is better. Keeps his mouth shut while I ramble on and say too much. I came here for the opportunities. Much grateful for leaving my household because I'm mature enough. That's a gift in itself. If I one day find a bride that can stand my mother I will be complete. If it's the wrong woman I am finished."

"Tell me (FN) what's the difference between complete and finished?"

"Find the right one I am complete. Wrong one I am finished. If the right one sees me with the wrong one I am completely finished. A man won a bottle of scotch in London for that explanation."

(That story is hung up on the office door of my work. Hilarious.)

So he thinks being a butler will find him a woman? Isn't that a bit of pressure. "So your bride have to be in caliber to Lady Gremory or Sitri?"

"No no. Not at all. Although I would think both would have an excellent impression given I haven't met the Gremory family, this is down to character. Classy, professional, and says the right words. Forgive me for the speech."

Tsubaki felt a little sorry but the pressure inside was building up. A little more. "Quit apologizing. It's fine. But how experienced do you have with women?"

"Madame I have plenty." You stood tall.

"Romantically." You gave you a firm look.

You sighed and put your head down. "Nei."

"Down with her kind of thing?"

"I guess when you help out a woman to much she finds it too clingy, creepy, and uncomfortable. Can't even get a date out of it. Let alone a first kiss. Serafall told me this student body here should be my way out."

Does he have someone on his mind? It can't be. "I never said that's allowed in the halls."

"A room?" You asked.

"Well," Damn! "Be decent."

"Of course. Tsubaki I don't even have a woman in mind. My search and execution will need to be top notch. But I have a favor to ask you if you can have yourself some free time."

She was shook. Is he really asking me out? This is too soon. What do I say? But I can't decline the invitation. "I do! What is it!" She asked swiftly trying to get the answer she wanted.

"Any chance you help me in the romance category to see if I can perfect it? I can't afford slip ups."

Are you playing with me! "I never said I like you." Tsubaki blushed with her arms crossed and looked to the left. "But I'll accept this date. How's that?"

"Well I," You smiled and walked over. Grabbing her by the hand and kissing on top of it. "Am much appreciated my lady."

What the hell is he doing? He's going to give me a heart attack! Calm down. He's a sweet guy. Asked for help. No big deal. I can turn this into a real date. Yeah. "So where are we going out to eat?"

You laugh. Still holding her hand. "My Madam tonight we are not going to a restaurant. I'm going for my apartment. I am doing the cooking. Now we debate menu before I go to the market."

Am I even ready for this sort of thing? But yet he's a dream come true. "What? For me?"

"Something the matter?"

"Uhhh, headache. Headache is all."

"Very well. Some rest will do you well. But let me know when I leave."

Am I really going on a date with this new hot butler? What am I thinking?


One way to get a Tsundere out of her ways is ask her to dinner. The fact you're cooking the dinner makes her wonder. Pretty sure you got this.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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