Ch 17 - Collector

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After some borderline yurification by yours truly Tsubaki is starting to slowly realize what she is getting into. Either attack this and love like your ex was never there as well as not to over analyse this because this isn't an algebraic equation.

Question is, you think she can do it? That's seriously debateable. As tonight you go as an impersonated mafia man. Yippie. Time for concrete shoes.



Everyone was sitting in a towel everyone was out of the spring and almost ready to get dressed and head home. Though the lady of the hour was still processing everything to move forward tomorrow. So much clouding her mind. Different emotions, desires, duties, and then the common sense and right approach to it. 

"So will that be all?" Asked Akeno. No smirk, certain glare, or tone. A genuine question which had no right or wrong answer. All on her now.

"I think tomorrow night we find out more." She tied her hair back and cleaned her glasses. "Though that is when I will make my decision. Forget everything else. I'm just going to do what my gut tells me."

Rias got up. "You know if it's head or gut bouncing up and down it only results in heartburn."

Yeah. Feel that coming on. "Wait just a minute... Heart?"

"What are your feelings?" Asked Asia. Probably the best to ask too. After all the first to love the pervert with a dragon on his arm.

"I really like how he carries himself, the way he is so kind, and well for his age he's handsome. I guess..."

"Not ready to love like me. Correct?" Over to Sona the only other with a one person only relationship.

"To love? Or say you love him?" She replied hesitantly.

"Oh. There we go. Words. Great. But is that accurate?" Sona had her hands on her hips.

"Yes. Now can I get dressed? I thought you weren't supposed to argue when naked."

"Arguing? Discussing while you don't know how to act. Have tomorrow be tomorrow. No matter how he acts you will so your best."

"Sure Lady Sona." Only addressing her as Lady when she was highly aggravated. Tsubaki knew this could get rough.


You had on a black buttoned shirt this time around with matching pants and shoes. Hair gelled back. In your apartment you lightly cleaned and made dinner. Plenty for the ladies as they came in.

"Ladies. How we doing?"

Sona smelled the clams and saw you dress fancy. "My my. What's the occasion?"

"Let's eat before we handle business shall we? Linguine vongole recipe. Translation linguine, garlic and light oil, and clams. Quick bite before work can't hurt."

Tsubaki was wondering about you yet again. And today my boyfriend looks like a mafia hitman. This another persona or he just trying things out.

Excuse me. Sona was having her mind snap her friend out of it. If you excuse me my Pawn made some fresh clams. And I personally want to indulge.



Fine. Just no flirting with boyfriend.

And your boyfriend cooks for you. Glorious love. "Can't deny you (FN). Thank you for having us again."

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