Ch 5 - And Special Guest...

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Tsubaki talked herself into a date. A mock date. He thinks this is a trial run when she is really looking forward to this. As much as this is just all too fast for her she has to decide what the course dinner is for tonight and play this out. How well will she take this?



With Tsubaki already committed she walked back to the Student Council room after classes were over. Sona met her at the door which was interesting since they were finally able to talk freely without anything conflicting schedules. They had much to talk about. Including what she referred to as a "mock date". 

"Afternoon Sona."

"Afternoon to you as well. Shall we?" Tsubaki opened the door and you were already there putting on your fedora and coat (Irony is my profile pic had me in a fedora I wore with my suit before I switched it a few days ago). "Hello (FN)."

"Ladies good evening. I have just finished up. Anyways Tsubaki since I have to get prepared for tonight tell me what you want? Pasta and seafood? Steak and potatoes? Tell me your thoughts lady of the evening."

Sona stood there and blushed. "My goodness. What is going on here? Clearly I missed something. What's going on here you two?" She asked.

"You see Master I told you that I am finding a partner. Though I have no experience in romance. So we are having a date and she is making sure that I hit all the right notes. We haven't decided on menu yet."

"Where are you too eating out?" Asked Sona.

"My apartment. I plan on scrubbing my hands and putting those pans to use. Heading out to the market to get some ingredients. Short on spices and herbs as well."

"Oh mighty. All the stops for a beautiful woman. Are you sure you have no past romance?" Sona wasn't buying it.

"Well Master when you are a man like myself and try to help to the best of you ability some do not care for it. Imagine trying to help a girl cross the street and she thinks you're creepy and needs space. A man of my class tries to stay close and help at any given moment if he can. I guess too much for women. After trying to focus on myself I'm here. All their is to it. So as I step back into the game. But I say too much as you know. So Tsubaki last chance or I just surprise you."

"Well," << Oh my goodness a boy wants to cook for me. >> "You mentioned seafood."

"That a go?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Shrimp, scallops, and clams over angel hair and white wine cream sauce."

Sona gasped. "You're making clams? I love clams."

"Would you like to join us Master? Permission of Tsubaki of course."

The two looked at each other and blushed. Tsubaki was not all in on this and thought she could use a hand. Sona wanted to be supportive and have a good meal in the process. This could lead to something big. Sona could easily wiggle this through or have one of them capitalize. Which one would it be. Something had to give. Was it the Tsundere or the butler?

"Well Sona you can join us. Guess that's a third plate (FN)."

"Yes yes. I shall be off ladies. See you at 7 PM. 14 East Conwell Apartment 9."

"Bye (FN)." Waved Sona.

"B-" Tsubaki couldn't since the door had closed. She sighed happily. "Bye Handsome."

Her friend looked over. "Did we really give into food?"

"What? He's mine." Cried Tsubaki.

"Oh? Didn't you say you didn't like him?" Sona smirked.

"Well, he's still my date. He's a dream." Tsubaki blushed.

"You better 'fess up soon. Let me tell you this. You're a beautiful chick. Tell him or he'll shop for other poultry. Easy as that."

"The nerve."

"The lack of commitment"

"Like you can talk!" The two argued.

"Well, we certainly are too similar aren't we." Said Tsubaki quietly.

"Indeed. Anyways we should both go home to shower and get ready for tonight. Any ideas?"

"Please not something too sexy Sona. I have to- nevermind!"

"Not hard you know." Sona pointed to her friend's chest. "Not too much."

"For the love of decency how could I?"

"Oh really? What color underwear?"

"Black. Why?"


"Why- Fine! Fine! How about pink?"

"Sure. I'm going to go modest black. You should stand up. You're the bride. Date rather."

"Okay Sona now you're pushing."   


After that last conversation between the two girls Tsubaki walked home and began to think about what to wear before she jumped in the shower. First off was going to the underwear drawer. She told Sona pink and when she went to answer her she was always firm. Doing so she lifted up the folded piles and found the first one she found. It was a hot pink pantie. Ran a little small...

"Oh well. I already spent too much on that. What's next?" She was pressing her index fingers together fidgeting. "Dress. Think Tsubaki. Not hard. It's only dressing up. For a boy... A guy. Yeah. Goodness..." She swung the door to her closet. "Something that will stand out but not my good ones. I need options. Black is not an option. Red is too sexy. I don't have pink. White and pasta will never do. Come on think." She ruffled through the closet and say two that stood out. "Blue. Of course."

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"Ah crap

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"Ah crap. Which one!? UGH!"

(Well people. You got a week. Vote for me. Top of bottom? Comment below.)


Cast your votes in call. Can't wait to see what we're going with. I've been waiting a while to put this out there just to see everyone's reaction.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions are concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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