Ch 20 - Needing

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Tsubaki is letting you stay for a bit. Careful but see how it goes.



Dinner was finished. Now with plenty of time to go before packing it up and turning in for the night. Tension was on both sides here. Though anyone knew who called the shots here.

"Would you like my help with dishes?" You asked to be polite.

"Not in these clothes. I think we're too dressed up to get dirty." She replied hesitantly.

"Fair enough."

He seems happy. What they say is true. Men get happy when you feed them. Now let's see if he will do something for me. Well, outside of save me from a crane and man with a gun in his hand. I mean affection. We still really haven't been there. It's more or less similar to a contract. "Babe you want to cuddle?"


"For the time being." She took your hand. Hiding the blush well. Walking you over to the living room of the apartment. Sitting you down. Making sure you're comfortable. "Thank you for everything."

"Thank you for tonight. Giving me the chance to stay as well. But in return are you okay with this?"

"Why so many- Nevermind..." She blushed.

"You okay?"

"Ugh. No I'm not." She complained. Tsubaki had something moving in that head of hers for sometime now. Was she going to spill all of her guts right now? Say something finally? "I just need to know." Tugging at your shirt.

"Love?" Unsure what to say from here.

She sat in your lap facing you. Now unable to move and your full attention is to her face. This is how a woman wanting something. Putting herself in place and making the man motionless. "I need you to tell me. Right now."

"Tsubaki anything. Please. Tell me what's going on. Whatever it is it's eating you. Please don't tell me it's me." Does she need a hug, a cry, or some reinsurance.

"You said you love me?"

"I do." You gazed in her eyes.

"You see us together? Being steady?"

"We can do it."

"Then how come you don't go further? We don't you bring me in close for makeouts? Spanked me when we're alone? Hugged me in public?"

"Hold on. You think I'm not affectionate enough?" Wondering of this is the problem that can be resolved.


"Tsubaki you should have told me. I can adjust."

"No it's fine. You're just not that type. It's okay." She said a settling statement though it was clear that's what she wanted.

You squeeze her butt and cuff her cheek. "I said I can adjust. It's part of being your lover. What else can I do?"

I like his hand here. "This your first time groping a woman?"

"It is." You nod with a straight face. "It's quite nice actually. This okay?"

"We can work on it." She kissed you.

"On what you like and what you don't?"


Seems rather difficult. But I'm a man for the challenge. "So tell me."

"Nothing with people around. I probably won't like it."


"Don't be overly gentle. But I don't like rough."

"This okay?" Just trying to double check everything as if you're packing a vacation luggage carrier. Though this woman was more complicated than that.

"It's good." She hugged you.

"What else do I have to do?"

"Well, I don't want to wrinkle this dress. It's quite long and I don't want you staring at my chest too much." She got up from your lap.

"I haven't too much. Pretty hard not too but I can look in your eyes behind those lenses." Making a claim. Though every anti-pervert message sounds the same no matter how many words are in a language.

"I know. I'll be right back into something more comfortable." She left the room. Leaving you on the couch.

What on Earth is she going to change in? Yoga pants? Pajamas? Shorts and a hoodie? Oh man. This is way too much. You could only sit there in thought hoping she wouldn't take too long. Some girls have the tendency to take an hour. Her? She was simple and seemed to have a routine. Tsubaki was strict and scheduled as such.

"I'm back

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"I'm back." Pink tank and black shorts. Though made you wonder. Any bra?

"You're back. Lovely."

"Where was I?" She walked over and resumed to have your lap as her seat for the evening.

You chuckle. "You know you mentioned staring. Isn't it hard for everything you wear? I mean even the top is hard."

"Really?" She smirked. "You gawk at my boobs and grab my ass. Which one you prefer?"

"How do expect me to choose? You are beautiful and I hope you know that." You see her reach over to the side of the couch. "So do you expect me to flip a coin?" The couch lever was pulled as the two of you leaned back. "Didn't know."

"I said the couch to cuddle Babe."

(The couch pulls out, but you don't! Haha. Sorry I had to.)

"Got it." She hugged into your chest and made herself comfortable. You feel her smooth legs from this morning. How is she going about this?

"I don't know Babe. How do you want to go about this?" Kissing your neck. "We're lovers aren't we?"

"We are-"

"Then stay here. With me. It has been so hard to give you all of my emotions. Juggling so much as been so stressful. I have work, school, duties, and us. I feel like I've just been a bad girl. Going off of my morals and what I told myself along time ago. But I don't want you eyeing another woman. So many are nicer."

"But you're for me. That's what I decided. What do I have to do to prove that?"

"Love me. I've been needing affection. Most importantly, you. Kiss me, cuddle me, tell me I'm worth-"

You kiss her and grab her shoulder. "I'm here."

"Love me."


Lemon squeezy time? Eh?

Vote it, comment freely, critique, ask away, and don't forget I love you all.


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