Ch 15 - Reign

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Tsubaki is stunned how you just took out a stray Devil in a way she didn't think. What was thought to be some sort of battle was a quick dodge and tactical attack. Though she has many questions.



You teleport back to your apartment and go right to the kitchen sink to wash your hands. Not because of lewd acts but blood. Wipe the mental filth that you just disposed of. You are scrubbing your hands wish dish soap as your girlfriend turns to her bestfriend to try and see what in the heck just happened in just amount of time.

"Do you have anything to say?" Asked Tsubaki to Sona.

"Well he helped us dodge a crane and then used metal to conduct lightning magic that connected to wear his hand was. In doing so found out information and took care of things. I see his motive."

"Babe? Who's Reign?"

"Me. Not my real name of course." You unbutton the shirt and take it off have the sleeves soak in the sink. "Don't want to tell those who need to be taken care of know my real name. Puts others I know in potential danger."

"And this isn't some alter personality?" She asked.

"Persona yes , personality no."

"You are so calm. Not angry or in a certain mindset. What is it (FN)?" Tsubaki wanted to know now how you do it. Even Rias and them take it to heart and feel these rush of emotions. On the surface you didn't show anything. To her this was scary.

"Anyways (FN) we have another tomorrow. It's a pact. The three of us will be collecting payment. Be on guard. Usually these scenarios cause trouble." Sona was going with. Happy her bestfriend was sticking up and you complying but the mix up didn't settle with her completely. "Are you good with this?"

"Yes yes. I'll make sure my good clothes don't get ruined. But at this moment when I'm cleaned up what's next for tonight?"

Tsubaki just wanted to clear her head. Hoping Sona would help out again. "I'm taking a bath."

"You know Tsubaki we ourselves have another meeting with the girls."

"Perfect..." She sighed. Great. Just what I need. Another bath meeting with Gremory and her Queen that tried to seduce and steal my boyfriend. Wonderful. "I suppose we should be off then. I'll see you in the morning (FN)?"

"As always my dear Mon Cheri." You smile.

"See you then."


Sona was already in the bath as Tsubaki wanted to shower off just a little bit more. Still trying to process all of this. Wasn't sure if it was hormones or just not knowing this personality of yours. Naturally overthinking she finished with her hair and started walking over to see the other girls in the bath. In attendance Sona of course, Rias, Akeno, and Asia. This was going to be an interesting evening for sure.

"Nice of you to join us." Greeted Rias.

"Hello everyone." Tsubaki stepped in and laid back in a spot.

"How's the boy?" Asked Rias.

"Honestly he's concerning me if anything. He's so confusing. It's bothering me."

"Girls are too." Assured Akeno. "No hard feelings about the other day right?"

"Exactly what were you doing? Why him? What made (FN) stick out to you?"

"Well he's your boyfriend. Now that is. You should be telling me that. My job was to flirt with him in front of you so you either go after him or let him go. You seemed to weigh it out too much and he needed to not waste time. I say it worked out. Now about this decision, you regret it?"

Tsubaki dunked her head and then rose from the water. "I guess I just don't know what I'm in for and taking it slowly? I mean, skeptical and nervous I guess."

Asia wanted to join in. "Well, I never had a boyfriend but, if you take Issei he isn't perfect. But we still greatly care for him."

"Hehe." Akeno giggled. "That Issei is too perverted for his own good. But he's getting stronger and has good intentions. What does your boyfriend do that makes you unsettled?"

"How calm he is. Now don't get me wrong I get that he's practically a butler. But he used to be emotional and tonight I just saw a blank face. Ever since I kind of, asked him he's different."

"Ever think he's not trying to piss you off?" Asked Sona.


"Get yourself together. He saved us tonight. When that maniac saved both of us for that stray in the crane he was calm. Why do you think that is? If he was shook then what?"

"Wait. A crane? What happened?" Gasped Rias.

"We got an order to find and take out a stray Devil. It was in a warehouse he was on a big crane. Construction almost really hurt us tonight. He saved us from the claw when the stray was on there and put an end to him. (FN) was cleaning the blood off his hands and clothes when we left. Tsubaki is disturbed by his alias name Reign. Apparantly doesn't use his real name when battling others. Why is the big question she has."

"But Sona he hasn't been the same since we've been together..." Sighed Tsubaki.

"Why don't you ask him?" Asked Sona.

"Issei is different when he's angry." Asia looked down. "But he means no harm."

"Well maybe he's on guard since you're moody?" Insisted Sona.

"I certainly am not." Huffed Tsubaki.

"I would use a different term but describing it lightly." Smirked Sona.

"It seems it's not just the water that's hot." Concerned Akeno. "Though since you are the second solid couple what is next? Not the big picture but the next step?"



"Oh Mon Cheri you are the woman I ever need in my life at any given time. Please make love to me."

"Babe please love me and make 30 babies."

(If anyone gets this reference comment below and laugh.)


She snapped out of that fantasy of lemon goodness. "I need to quit watching soaps. Anyway I'm not sure what it is. I just know he's a part of Sitri and I know I'm still getting over myself. Though while the three of you are here, maybe I can ask you three for, is it tips or advice?"

"In what?" Asked Asia.


"Yes?" Rias looked over.

"L-ove? No. Affection? I don't know."

"Do tell. Hehe." Akeno got up from her spot and moved closer. "Well we start now. Welcome."

"Welcome to what..."

"Class Of Akeno 101."


More like Babeage 101 but yeah. What the heck is Akeno going to fill Tsun-bitch's head with? That scary or what?

Like it, comment freely, ask anything, critique, and don't forget I love you all.


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