Ch 1 - Underworld Transfer

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Well I wanted another crack at the Sitri House and tried to think of a character that was a good match. Not some idiot, pushover, edge lord, or troubled. Someone sent from the underworld to give it some sizzle. A little interesting. Took me sometime but here we go.



Monday morning it seemed as if things were the same when they took break last week. Trying to talk things out and find out what the plan was. It was a half hour before the classes were going to start. 

"He's coming soon. We are all set." Said Sona.

"I have to train a boy. I do not need this for the time being." Argued Tsubaki.

"Listen. He's coming here under orders. Nothing I can do about this. I haven't met him myself. That's why I'm sticking around even though I'm busy."

"Why don't I do paperwork. That's usually my forte."

The door opened. Neither of the two recognized who this was. Stood average height. Not short and not six feet tall. Thin yet built. He carried in a vase of roses. "Good morning ladies. It is my pleasure. I came from the Underworld sent from Lord Sitri."

"My father?" Gasped Sona.

"Honor to finally to meet you Lady Sona. I do let you know in advance I came on my own terms. Just a Devil that wants to learn. I sat down with your father and Lady Leviathan and now I'm here. Flowers is just a friendly gift. Nothing more my lady."

Both impressed. Tsubaki just wanted to know more about you. "So tell us about yourself?"

"Obviously I'm a Devil that's pure breed but really nothing special as Sitri, Gregory, and Phenex. I talked to Lord Sitri about opportunity to go to school here and find a girlfriend and he let it roll I suppose. To be a Pawn for you that is Lady Sona."

"Only Pawn correct?" Sona adjusted her glasses.

"Well naturally. That's all I ask for. I'm here to serve and to help."

"What's your game?" Asked Tsubaki.

"Game?" You pondered. "I'm just talking business. I'll let loose when I'm off the clock. I'm on school grounds so I'm working hard. Always attend to do so. I am well aware I need training but I'm ready for it."

This is even worse because he's handsome. "I'll be breaking you in. That's just how it works. I'm Vice President of the Student Council."

"Thank you for having me. Miss-?"

"Tsubaki." She nodded.

"I didn't want to assume. Lady Serafall mentioned it to me. Basically refers to you as a step sister. Said you were beautiful and that was all I got. She's not wrong."

Tsubaki blushed. "How, dare you say such a thing."

"I'm do not intend to be inappropriate. Trust you know that. If you need to know I really just need hands on with the paperwork. I was told it was a good time now because you ladies had a slower change of pace. I wouldn't want to over burden."

"Good we have a superb understanding of each other. I'll be taking off. You and Tsubaki will be staying here. Also Tsubaki we have a meeting with Gremory tonight. Thought I would let you know."

As soon as she left the two behind she felt good. Then sooner than expected her child friend was in the hallway.

"Morning Sona." Rias greeted.

"Hello Rias. How's today going?"

"Lovely. The new person came today?"

"Yeah. Quite someone I didn't expect. Apparently my father and sister spoke to him and he's quite the gentleman. All he needs to learn is the books and other paperwork. Tsubaki is in charge of him."

Rias felt awkward. "How's she doing?"

"Fine. So it seems. Last week no. Lately much better. What's Kiba up to?"

"Well," Rias pointed to over the balcony to the main area of the school by the front entrance. Sona immediately saw another blonde with her Knight of dashing good looks. "As you can see I think they're a thing."

"Wow. I didn't think she was his type. Think this will last?"

"Ugh. Kiba and Ravel actually seem very good for each other. She is kind of sassy and bratty but he works it out. He's happy he has the time from her. And she wanted someone with grace. Nothing perfect but what relationships are?"

"Gremory how's- nevermind." Sona turned away.

Rias laughed. "Complicated like yours."

"Saji and I aren't together."

"But I still tend and be by the one I like. All is to it. I know you're firm and wish for things to work themselves out. But I will leave you a piece of advice. This is for her as well. I'll tell you during our casual meeting."

"The spa. I know. She needs it more than I do Rias. She's not happy about teaching a boy either."

"Well Sona it's part of second in command. She'll have to suck it up."

"Noted. Till then Rias."

"Can't wait to hear from her Sona. Till then."


Welcome everybody to Tsundere Sunday. I plan on releasing these chapters Sunday at noon New York Time until finished. This is an experiment to see how regular time updates do. Just out of curiosity in how to better myself.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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