Ch 8 - Changing

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With the dirty minds of people I wonder what the hell everyone is thinking. Knowing the ecchi genre probably something lewd.



Citrus goodness warning.

You were cuddling Tsubaki on her bed. A queen sized bed for a Queen of House fit perfectly with a graceful bed set on. She found herself sitting on the bed and sitting right next to you. "Babe we should probably head to bed. I mean I know its an off day but we have plans."

"Plans include loving you Mon Cheri." You turn and kiss her. Grabbing her love handles and start to make out with her. She was aggressive with her tongue before she separated.

"Babe, at least let me get comfortable. Although, well my underwear is comfy."

"May I?"

"At least let me-" She softly moaned as you kiss her neck and Tsubaki laid down. "Lay down and spoon." On her side as you comfort behind her body. Then yank on her skirt to see how she reacts. See what mood she's in. "I've been waiting for you touch all night."

"You want to try not to scream as I have your nourishment?" You licked up her neck.

"Please." You go in between her legs and spread them. Your chin resting on the mattress as you pull her underwear to the side. Put your face right there and go gently with your tongue. Mouth first drove her completely crazy. She held onto your head as her eyes rolled in the back of the head. She was ultra sensitive when your mouth her her clit. "Babe!" She moaned.


Tsubaki woke up and looked behind her. Then in between her legs. Panties are wet. "That boy. Hmph. Okay now I'm annoyed." Throwing the covers over she went to her dresser. "First time that ever happened. Hmph. I have been needy lately. Maybe it was the shrimp."

(*WOW* Meme by Gaz

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(*WOW* Meme by Gaz. Maybe not too soon but it will happen.)


Tsubaki was the first person in the room and she was just simply agitated. Sona came in and found her very cross sitting on the desk.

(Broad's on the desk fucking cross eh? Sorry I had to.)

"What's your story. You seem angry." Said Sona slowly moving closer.

"Hard morning." Sighed Tsubaki. "Then we got a meeting and (FN) is going to be here soon. Just stressed."

"He's running late. He gave me a call right before I stepped in. I feel good though to say the least. Shaved my legs last night, cleaned my glasses, and I smell good. What's bothering you."

"Thoughts." She blushed.


"Sexy butler man..."

Sona just looked at her. "You eat at his house, ate his cooking, and stole his virgin lips. What's the problem? Because you said you weren't his girlfriend?"

"That and a, dream, last night." She pouted.

"You didn't have any of those with Kiba. Did you?"

"Like that? No. I didn't. Like you said before though I shouldn't have to bring him up. It's over and he's taken. Hmph."

"You are something else."

The door opened up. "Hello lovely lady and Vice." Saji walked in.

"Hey now why are you late?" Her serious face turned into a smirk. "Being bad?"

"For you? Yes please." Saji proceeded to hug Sona and plant a kiss. Sona embraced the hug and kissed him back as Tsubaki stood there furious. Red in the face angry that her best friend would just make out with him like that in front of her. "You wait long?"

"Not at all. Even if I did I would say it's worth it."

"Excuse me?" Scoffed Tsubaki. "That's against school rules."

"School hasn't started yet?" Saji tried to brush off.

Then you opened the door to the sight of Tsubaki annoyed and your Master and classmate together. "Boy oh boy. Master, Saji congratulations. Can't say I'm jealous though. I had a beautiful date last night."

"He certainly did." Agreed Sona.

"Great. Who is she?" Asked Saji.

"She will present herself if she chooses too." You smile.

"What's the supposed to mean?" Scolded Tsubaki.

"Apologize Mon Cheri. Wasn't sure about your feelings." You step back. "Don't want to make anything uncomfortable."

"I respect your feelings of course. You respect mine ten fold. Just, you mind having a second date first?"

"Sushi? What? Just name it."

Manga logic to reality. Name a man more committed then a butler. A hit butler at that. "You know a sushi place?"

"Seen them cut the fish and make rolls right in front of me. My brother drank sake next to me as we talked about about meeting everyone here not long ago. Brilliant place."

"You are so on. How's tonight?"

"Tell me when. I'm here."

Saji looked over and even though he had finally got that thing patched with Sona he was looking over at you and Tsubaki. "Sona since wh-"

Sona put a finger to his lips. "It will sort out." She kissed him quickly and then brought him by the hand to her desk. "Should be interesting to see where it all goes from here. Second date awaits."

"And our first actual date?" Asked Saji.

"You know where I can get good clams?"

"Outside (FN)? I'll figure it out how's that?"


Sona actually sealed the deal to make Tsubaki commit. Wow. Boy doesn't that say something. You know much of a jablong that guy would be if he didn't make it official? Really? C'mon Tsubaki you're better then that. You're hot, intelligent, and just need a man who's cute and RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! Sheesh.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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