Ch 12 - Drifting

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When I mean drifting I do not mean RX-7 with a turbo and sexy exhaust. I mean letting the mind coast. Though Tsubaki seems too serious for that. Right? We shall see.



Tsubaki decided that it was time to let lose just a little. She followed to another long kiss and laid next to you. Laying her back into you so she can let lose. "My, it is so good to finally lay on here."

"It's your own couch."

"I'll cook, eat at the counter half the time and the other half at the table. Haven't had company in a while. I sat here for a few minutes with Sona two weeks ago and for a long period of time a little over a month."

"That's like a car that looks great and doesn't start. You keep that busy?"

She yawned. "I have work."

"As do I. Think I cleaned my apartment right before you arrived? That's a regular thing. I have a routine but more flexible. You are firm and outside our dates haven't been negotiable much."

"Do you negotiate at the retail shops?"

"No but-"

"Why should I?"

"You know you look attractive when you get riled up? That aside you are entitled to have a rest while you are awake. Have some tea and soak in some nice air. No one calling your phone. Not tossing and turning thinking something doesn't feel right because you are not on top of it. Make any sense?" Trying to make just a little reason before it catches up to her. It will eventually. It always does. You did not know any clue about her fallout with Kiba and who his new relationship was with. Rather irrelevant actually. Though this young woman was a fast car with no brakes. If she has brakes of any kind they would be the generic brand and universal parts. I.E. Never work right.

"Babe am I not on top right now?"

"Leaning. Not on top. Comfy?"

"Yeah-" She closed her eyes. "A few minutes can't hurt."

"Same. Cuddles will never hurt."

"Hold on." She reclined the couch back and cuddled next to you again. That way you could lay back too. "Better." Smiling as her eyes shut. Glasses still on. Why are you not surprised.

"Yeah. Better." I guess a man is more comfortable than I remember. Not too chiseled and yet solid. A tad bit of rest while I entertain my guest over coffee is nice. Worst case have a coaster for him to put it down and wrap an arm over if he is truly professional. Ah well. He may be right even though I do not plan to let him know that. She let out a quiet yawn for you unable to see. < Well a good break well deserved by a meal and cuddles. Owe him at least that much. >

So cute when you are stably at peace. Pleasant really.

Though one thing Tsubaki forgot was what time it was. Since it was just hit dawn moments ago she forgot about the time. In essence forgot that she had to stay awake. Not just because you were over. It was a school night and assignments were mandatory to be completed. Simple as such. She was napping. Uh-oh...


Tsubaki woke up very slowly. First thing was reaching for her glasses so she can see what was around her. Little movements and made her way from sleeping on her side to flat on her back resting her head against a thing pillow.

Morning already. What day is it? She felt someone moving in her direction. Who's here? And, what is on my leg?

"Morning beautiful." Tsubaki felt a kiss on her neck.


"Thank you for an amazing evening. Hope we have more sometime."

She felt arms wrap around her. Wait a minute. Toned arms. On my leg is- She turned her head and she looked at your face. Your eyes shut. Babe!

"I love you."

"Huh?" Tsubaki lifted the sheet. It just came to her. Why is he naked. Now it was hitting her. Why on Earth am I naked!? "Did-"

"Thank you for making sweet love to me as I did to you. Mon Cheri." You kiss her neck again.


Tsubaki woke up and had her glasses on which never happened. No one wears eyeglasses to bed. Then looked up to see you underneath her. She smiled and reached for her phone. A pic maybe can't hurt. Then she checked the time. It's 22:00! "Babe!"

"Wha-" You jerk forward and make contact with her forehead. "Ah!"

"Ohhh. Babe what's wrong with you. You let me fall asleep. We haven't even got to homework. And you have a test tomorrow. What were you thinking?" Tsubaki was just scolding and telling you off. Blaming all of this on you how you got her schedule all messy.

"This is on me?" You asked.

"Did I let it all slide?"

"You cuddled on my chest and I fell asleep. Apparantly you did too. I thought you were on top of everything."

"Hmph. Typical man. Do I have to do everything?" She huffed.

"Ouch. Throwing that card out there? That-"

"Women are not all the same. How come men are? If I said all women are the same that's-"

"Excuse me? How dare you? I work much harder then most girls. I am in to five of every class I encounter and work harder then most. I am in no means average."

"Of you aren't your-"

"Look. We both have things to do before we go to bed. Well, after bed." She shook her head. "That's not the point. I need to work."

"I'll leave it to you. I'll let myself out. Have a good evening Mon-"

"Yeah. Night."

You get up from off the couch and swap your shoes. Closing the door behind you as you exit. You're still a little sleepy. Man. I thought we had something going. But maybe this was a mistake. Maybe I should have listened. She may just not be interested in me. Or anyone else for that matter. Joy. Well, at least I know how to hit the right keys for a dinner. That's a plus. Hope I don't think about any of this during homework.


Ouchy! Well from my experience if she snaps at you like that and you reach out the next day with a "sorry if I offended you" attitude it can work out. However, many of these especially if it's not official usually end off going cold and both move on. Will you?

Hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and thanks a lot because you all make this happen. Have an awesome day. Any questions, critique, or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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