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This was a hard decision. But a lot of development was in here and looking at the big factor in "what's next?" Or what started me writing is the "what if?" Just isn't there. I don't want to give everyone filler. I have a nice long ending to this and my apprentice and I talked and he agrees.

Everyone, I give you the end of Tsubaki. One of my great projects over the course of months and months.



I just remember that one day after clubs were done the boyfriend in my life at the time came up to me to talk. I tried to shoo him off because I was busy. He insisted to stay and it was because he wanted to in person breakup with me. I said okay but I really did paperwork trying to brush back the tears. Even though I was alone. From then on months passed and he started dating the Phenex girl. Blonde hair, bubbly, cute, and just wanted to cuddle and be with him all the time since she had an open schedule.

There I was. I was there heartbroken, afraid for a man to come back into my life again, and business was always my first priority. I understand why Kiba left. But he left with so much of me. I didn't want another man to waste his time or take another piece of me. And after being at my side, cooking for me, putting up with me being the biggest bitch to every walk across this school, and more he is right here. (FN) my Babe is still here and he loves me. It took me so long and if I was any older no man would put up with me. I'm just a pain. But now I have learned. I am doing better. And I don't have to worry about the worst.

Tsubaki walked down the hall a little bit late to discuss something with someone of the council. Then proceeded to go in the Student Council Room only to see you at the main desk. Grinding away at work having all of the numbers, plans, and homework in order.

Whistling along and organizing he looked up you saw her in the doorway. "Hello my darling lady of the hour. How are you?"

This is why I love you. "Well. And you? How are you more importantly."

"Swamped with work. You know how this goes. Just making things simple for everyone if possible. All I can say really."

"Well we still on for our double date?"

"Oh you think I would ever miss this? No way possible. I am here and you are right beside me." You save everything on the drive on the desktop and quickly file the papers in your bag. Not wanting to teleport back into the school for any reason what so ever. "Everything good by you?"


"Alright. We're out of here."


A quick change of clothes to each other's houses and you two were good to go. Then meeting Sona and Saji at the sushi bar downtown. Grabbing a table for four and going from there. This was starting to become a regular thing. As Sona realized much early that Saji was the one for her. Saji knowing he wanted to do everything in his power developed feelings around the same time. And now with a ton of work put in the four of you can be on double dates.

Orders came in and with no budget cap it was free reign. Some miso, good rolls, excellent tea, and good company. Everything to like around. Beautiful atmosphere.

"Saji man I have to ask. How long did it take you?" You smirk.

"Maybe a few weeks? Something." He replied.

"And for you it was maybe a month right?" Asked Sona.

"Yeah. About that time Master. No complaints. I get it. Stuff happens."

"Well Babe thanks for snapping me out of everything. And I mean a whole new reality."

"Cheers to all."

Glasses raised. "Cheers."


I want to say the hardest part is rejection. But I realized so much more goes into this. From the work schedule, to making time, to making sure he's committed, then getting over yourself. You feel stupid but when it finally happens you learn quick from it all.

From we're not together to me having clothes in his apartment. I understand how one sided it is but sometimes I just want to be spooned by a man after a long day of work. (FN) just hugging me and rubbing my butt is a comfort feeling. Though anything naughty is at my apartment. He deserves to have noise paneling and occasional outfits. Nothing too much but something. All I can say is I love him and I feel secure about myself. He is the key. I don't feel like some bitch who isn't entitled to anything. I feel like a stronger and proper woman.

The two of you had some serious work to get to at home. The sushi is amazing and all but it was time to hit the books. At this rate until tomorrow or midnight at least. Though she did have some motivation for you.

"Hey Babe?"

"Yes Dear?"

"Here's one for you. Faster we get done the quicker we shower together and go to bed here. Sound good?"

"Yup. And that goes for your sweet ass too."

She gasped. Going along with the joke. "Thought you liked bosoms."

"I do. But both is a variety of you. What difference does it make?"

"Point taken."

What I thought after Kiba had actually happened. A man of class beyond what I'm worthy of, someone who breaths romance, professionalism, and one who makes me better. Surely, if I can fall in love again, anyone can.

The End

Everyone thank you. This was a hard piece and feel that everything was brought together every so nicely. I did this early because of weekend occurance.

Thank you all. Let me know on feedback.

Answer any questions because a Q and A start now and will be published here within a week.


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