Ch 11 - Night Cap

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*Wow* Aye. I'm back. It's Sunday (New York Time) and St. Patty's Day. Personally I have been struggling with some personal stuff so nothing for me. Soda bread, corned beef, and cabbage will do for me. Cheers to Gaz, Omega, and my other blarney brothers out there. I'm not Irish but what the hay.

Anyways back to business Tsubaki invited you to walk her home. How is this going to go? Coffee? Bye bye later? Tough to call.



It was coming down to nighttime. Which meant both of you didn't want to make it too late. After paying the check it was nice to walk home. Even letting you hold hands at that. It was was nearly dark but not dark enough for her to grab a shower and head to bed. Just walking down a not so busy street on the way to her apartment.

His hand is so warm and comforting. Doesn't really overly care about money even though he's smart about it. I want to say he's trying too hard but I can't say that. He's doing great. This first official date and going out somewhere nice was amazing. Some millionaire treatment he has going on.

"So Mon Cheri."


"Anything else I can do for you this evening? Study together? Grab coffee?"

"Well, actually I wanted to make you coffee at my apartment if you had time. Least I can do."

"You don't have to do anything. I'm happy you came along and I am having a wonderful time. With you."

She blushed and looked the other way. "Guessing you have a long night ahead?"

"In a sense. I have time and still need some studies in. But I seem to manage somehow. Some better then others but we all do."

"I don't get you babe? How do you get so smooth? You're serious and know what doing. However you attitude is rather, hmmmm, laid back? Care free is not is. Neither is cocky or arrogant."

You sighed with a chuckle. "Really want to know?"

"Of course. It has been in my mind for days now."

Might as well. "Started from an early age. Have been on a routine since I could walk. It was do this for this amount of time. Mathematics, language, etiquette. Then when I was about twelve I kind of found myself slightly loosening up. Able to talk to friends a certain way then being able to be serious. It's nice to be a good butler however many times you don't have your Master choosen for you. Lady Serafall and Lord Sitri gave me the opportunity. Lady Sona is a wonderful Master. And yet, there was a reason why I didn't commit to being a butler."

"Wait huh? You aren't fully committed?"

"Indeed it is quite hard to believe. But any reason why?"

"Personal time?"

"You can say that Tsubaki. But it involves more then just me."

"You mean, certain people?"

"A girlfriend, a wife, a lover. Being a live in butler would mean my personal life and those involved do not matter. I cannot do such thing."

All of that for romance? Hold on. Why? What's all of this about? "So being a piece to Sona helps you achieve your goal while contributing your best."

"That it does. Doing what I love and finding love. Not sure if I can have both yet I can try my best. All that counts."

You finally reach her building. She looks at her hand holding yours. "Shall, we?"

"Thank you."

You walked up to the second floor and she used her the key to get in. Then you see the layout. Just simple really. Probably because she doesn't spend much time in it. First thing she did after closing the door and swapping her shoes was go to the kitchen and turn the coffee on.

"Make yourself at home on the couch and I'll join in a minute. Take it black?"

"Like my shoes. Thank you My Lady." You nod and have yourself a seat.

What have I done? The nerves were starting to hit as her brain just realized that you were in her domain. But this was her place. She made the rules. Yet, she invited you for evening coffee. Easy. A cup can't hurt. It was served swiftly and passed you a mug sitting on the opposite side of the couch. "You like it?"

"Your place is comfy. Works for me if you like it."

"Haven't put in as much time as I should. Yours puts mine in a dark place."

"Nonesense." You take a sip. "Very good. Thank you again."

"Tell me. What do you look for in a girlfriend?"

"Huh? I asked you out. Perhaps you should head to the mirror and let me know. Maybe a piece of paper as well." You chuckle as you watch her glare at you.

"I want to hear it out of your mouth."

You clear your throat. "I had to mature at a young age. You are basically an adult as much as I am. You are beyond intelligent and have your priorities straight. You simply know what you want and want no one in your way. Task done on a hand by the book and not compromise. That's what I like about you. I think I am more laid back though you are honestly a dream."

"A, dream? Define that." She put her coffee down and turned to you. "I'm a woman that puts everyone last outside of work. My work is always first. Why?"

"You want what you want. It's okay."


"You like me?"

"Yes I do." You take a sip of coffee and just sit there. Firm look. No kidding.

"How do you expect us to get close when we work so much? It's only slow for another week. Then I'm back to dawn to dusk to possibly midnight in work."

"If I may?" You give her a hug. She gasped. "This. This right here. If you haven't noticed. Worth it. Completely."

"Babe I- What do I say?"

"Anything. It's all on you. You don't have to be serious all the time. No need for all those hours. If someone gives you a hard time you can wait it out and move onto a smaller project."

"And then what?" She let go.

"This." You kiss her.

She is caught so off guard but finding herself closing her eyes and going along with it. The sparks are hitting her but so is her firm personality. What am I doing? Is this love? Lust? What are my feelings towards him? I don't know what I'm doing.


And just think, someone is already plotting on how to drop her attitude soon enough. Let's just say Sona has a few steps on her.


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