Chapter Four Getting the Kids Together

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I woke up around noon to Antonio smacking on cereal in my ear. "Hi momma." he said. "Hi honey. You look like you're feeling better." I told him as I rolled over. "I am a little. I still can't put much pressure on my leg though." "You have to give it some time baby, it just happened." "Zoe didn't bring my homework home." "Alright. I'll pick it up Monday." He took his cereal bowl and hobbled out. I knew he was upset about not getting his homework. He only called his sister Zoe when he was angry with her. He usually just said Z. I got up and went downstairs. Zoe was polishing her toe nails. "Hi sweetie, what are you watching?" "Basketball Wives." she said. I sat down with her. "I missed it last week, good thing I recorded it." "I know." I said agreeing with her because this was my show too. "Your brother was upset that you didn't get his homework. You know he wants to stay on top of his work." "Oh snap! I completely forgot ma, I'll get it Monday." "That's okay I told him I would get it. Besides I need to talk to his teachers anyway."

I stretched out on my chaise and watched the rest of Basketball Wives with Z. My eyes were on the TV but my mind was still in that room. I didn't even know his name and he didn't know mine. Maybe it was better that way. I had nothing to connect him and he had nothing to connect me. Just a hot night of sex. A one night stand. People do it all the time. I thought about his tongue and how it had seduced me. He was so sexy. I remembered how he felt moving inside me. He took control of me the way a man would. I was so far gone in my thoughts that I didn't hear him. "Dina!" he yelled. It was Charles. "Yes?" I said. "What's wrong with you? I called you twice." "My mind was somewhere else." " have a phone call." he said handing me the phone. He gave me a look and rolled his eyes. I snatched the phone from him wondering who was calling.

"Hello?" "Hey boo! I see you made it home in one piece. I tried calling your cell." Eva. "Oh I left my phone upstairs on the charger, and no thanks to you, where the hell did you disappear to?" I whispered. "Girl! Miles took me to his dressing room and we, well, uh, you know." "Anyway when I came back you were no where to be found." "Where did you go?" I got up and walked back up to my room. Charles was watching me like a hawk trying to hear my conversation. When I was safely behind my bedroom door I gave her the details. She was shocked. "I can't believe you!" she screeched. "And you didn't even get his name?" "No." "Well this is a wild side of you I've never seen in all the years I've known you! I like it!" We both laughed.

Charles, for some reason, decided to cook dinner. I was happy. He made my favorite spinach salad, grilled chicken and Hawaiian roles. It was really good. He handed me a glass of wine. "No thanks." I said. "I don't want anything else to drink. "So, did you have a good time last night?" I played it cool. What I wanted to say was 'I had just as much of a good time last night, as you had the other night with Kenya. But what I said was 'yes it was fun.' "Sounded like you had a good time. Such a good time that you had to go whisper about it with Eva." I thought I was busted but I continued to be cool. After all he could have been listening on the extension in his office. Don't admit to anything.  "Some things you can only share with your girlfriends." I said. He gave me a sideways look.

My grandma always told me the guilty like to accuse. She was usually right. I wanted to feel bad for having sex with a man that was not my husband. But he was so cocky, so smug. He knew he was cheating on me, yet he was trying to figure out what was going on with me? Really? Well two can play this game. I wasn't one who liked to be tit for tat. Especially not with someone I love. Especially not with my husband. But he was pushing me to a place I never thought I would have to go. How long? I wanted to know. How many? Was she the first? 

I went up to bed early. I just wanted to clear my head. I needed some peace and quiet. No TV with someone yelling on a reality show. I needed quiet. I laid in my bed and closed my eyes. I took a deep breathe. It was dark. I tried to think of nothing. But it didn't work. As hard as I tried to think of nothing I thought of everything. I thought of every place he touched me. Every place his mouth had kissed. Every place his tongue had licked. I fell asleep with sex on my mind. I felt Charles get in the bed beside me. He immediately moved close to me and wrapped his arm around me instinctively. He started kissing my neck. Almost impulsively I started to enjoy his familiar touch. He put his hands under my night gown and between my legs. He was rubbing me so softly. Part of me wanted to say 'get the fuck off of me' and the other part wanted to say 'fuck me'. I chose the latter.

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