Chapter Eight Getting Back to Us

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For the next few weeks life did seem to get back to normal. Charles and I were both home from work early enough to have dinner with the kids. Antonio was back on the court and Charles and I went to his games. Zoe was spending more time with her boyfriend which Charles was sure was not a good thing. Chris was still trying to get at me but I told him I wanted to go back to being professional. He said his door was always open, which by that he meant his fly. Eva and Miles were okay but she said the groupies were getting to her. It comes with the territory she told me. I think she was really trying to convince herself more than me. Charles finally admitted that he had fired Kenya. He claimed it was because she was not able to commit to the job the way he needed her to. What part of the job was he referring to? Screwing him, or her actual job of answering the phone and filing. I laughed inside because I didn't think that was a truthful reason. But never the less, she was gone.

Saturday night we decided to go out to dinner and a movie. Antonio was going with his friend Denver to the arcade and Zoe was supposed to be double-dating with Tiffany. I love scary movies so we went to see Evil in the Flesh. It was good but not as scary as the previews advertised. I still pretended to be scared and jump in Charles' arms every now and then. As we were leaving I noticed a familiar face in the crowd. It was the boy from the club. He was holding hands with a cute little young girl. My heart started beating fast and so loud I was sure Charles could hear it too. When we got closer I noticed it was Kenya. I wanted to turn and run the other way. But at the same time I wanted to smack the shit out of that bitch. My mind was all over the place. How in this big city did I wind up fucking the same guy she was fucking? AGAIN?!?"

Charles didn't look phased at all. He just stood there like this was perfectly normal. But again he didn't know I knew and his poker face was on point. As we approached them my knees got weak and it took everything I had not to fall. I held onto Charles' hand with a death grip. Charles nodded to them and said 'Kenya.' "Hello, uh, Mr. Waters, Mrs. Waters." she stammered looking like a deer in the headlights. As angry as I still was with her I couldn't focus on that because dude was giving me the 'don't I know you?' look. I tried to look away and act nonchalant but he finally said it. "You look familiar." "Me?" I asked him my voice cracking. "I don't think so." Charles looked at me sideways. "I could have sworn I met you somewhere before." Now she was looking at me too." I must have one of those faces." I said turning to look at the movie posters like those things were going to save my life. "No, you don't." he said. "Let's go." Kenya said taking his hand. She pulled him away fast and it appeared as if she wanted this to be over just as much as I did. They turned to walk away but he looked back at me and smiled. It was unnerving. 

We were quiet on the ride home. "So did you know that kid?" Charles finally asked me breaking the silence. "No!" I answered half shocked and half laughing. "Now where would I know a child like that from? He's almost Tony's age!" I exclaimed. What I wanted to say was, yes dear, I had sex with him earlier and it was wonderful. By the way, how was Kenya? "Well he was right. You don't have an everyday kind of face." I chose to ignore his comment. I started humming to Alicia Keys. We decided to go to Blue Note to eat. The food there was really good and they always had live jazz musicians. Charles and I laughed and ate and even danced a little. He seemed to forget about our little encounter. When we got home we made love all night. It was wonderful. But I had it in the back of my mind that I almost got busted. That was a close one. "So how was it seeing Kenya last night?" I asked Charles. "What do you mean?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "I just mean it's been a while since you fired her. I don't know I would have felt a little funny seeing her again." "I have no reason to feel funny seeing her. She wasn't doing her job and that's what she was paid for." "Hhmmm." I said. Really? I thought to myself. She was also being paid to spread her legs for you. I wondered if she stopped fucking Charles because of the guy she was with so I went on. "Was that her boyfriend?" "I guess so, yeah. What's up with all these questions?" He asked me clearly irritated. "Nothing I was just thinking..." "About what?" he asked cutting me off. "Forget it." I said. I wanted to say I was thinking about why you really fired her because I know why. You were fucking her and she either had a boyfriend who didn't like it or met a boyfriend and didn't want to fuck you anymore so you fired her and in between all that I fucked him. Karma at it's finest! And it was good, hubby. That's what I wanted to say but I kept it to myself. I had to call Eva.

We went on with the evening, with our lives and with the lies. Work was back to normal and Chris seemed focused on the case with Miguel. He lost the pretrial hearing and he had to pull out all the stops to get things going his way. He said the jury was tainted because there was a woman on it who's husband was killed in a drunk driving accident. I was glad the heat was off of me for a while. He still did the occasional lick of the lips when he passed my desk though. I still continued to ignore him. I hoped Meghan didn't notice. Charles and I continued spending time together and we never mentioned Kenya or her boyfriend again...for a while.

"Babe..." "Yeah?" I answered with my reading glasses hanging off the tip of my nose. "I'm interviewing again this week." It came out sounding like a warning. I looked up at him from the notes I was reading on my computer. "So?" I answered. I wasn't sure what he wanted me to say. "I was just letting you know I might be a little late a few nights this week." I was confused again. What did interviewing have to do with running late? I thought. He must have read my mind. "Well I'm dedicating most of my early evenings to interviewing 'cause I know I'll be out in the field with showings." For some reason I felt like he was giving me a heads up that life was going back the other way again. I wanted to trust and believe that he would stay strictly professional with his office assistant this time. I really, really wanted to...

Monday morning came with a pit in my stomach. Last night when I was cleaning Zoe's bathroom I found a pregnancy test in her trash can. I was so upset about it but I didn't tell anybody. Not even Charles. Especially not Charles. The test was negative anyway but why wasn't she taking precautions? I put her on the pill 6 months ago when she told me she was thinking about it. I would have to find some quiet time to have a serious talk with her. Antonio was running late for school and I had to haggle with Z to let him ride with them. She was already in enough trouble that she didn't even know about. And to top it all off, despite my best efforts, my mind kept reverting back to Charles and his interviews.

I tried to stay focused at work. I spent a lot of extra time on Miguel's case and I hoped it would all pay off. Chris asked me to accompany him in court which sometimes I did have to do. His brother-in-law showed up sober for once and Catalina was there too. This time with a different fur on. She was still full of attitude and when she came over to speak with Chris before the trial started she gave him a deep kiss but her eyes were on me. What was this? I asked myself. It was a little unnerving. After the trial ended the judge gave Miguel six years in prison for the death of 10 year old Samuel Miller. Catalina cried and hugged her brother saying they would file an appeal. Their parents didn't show up as the father called it a circus he wouldn't be a part of. She would have to learn there are some things money just can't buy.

Since the trial was over Chris decided he would go home early and spend some time with his wife and their family. I decided to call it a day too. I thought it would be a good time to talk to Zoe. Antonio was upstairs doing his homework and listening to music. At 8:00 on the dot Basketball Wives was on our television. Monday night's obsession. Z and I watched and laughed through a few commercials and then I finally asked her. "So, what's up with the pregnancy test?" "What!?" she screeched. "Yes the test I found in your trash can?." "Ma! Why would you go through my trash?" "First of all little girl, I didn't go through your trash. I was cleaning up since no one else around here does and it wasn't hard to find, it was sitting right there."

"Ma, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I have been taking my birth control..." "My next question." I said cutting her off. "But I was feeling a little sick for a few days and I did miss a couple days taking the pill." I frowned. "I know, I know. But I got my period. It's all good." "Lucky for you it's all good." I scolded. "You know I didn't want you to be having sex right now anyway. But, since you were honest with me and the fact that you are 17 I wanted you to be safe and responsible. But that boy should also still be wearing a condom. Birth control pills don't protect you from diseases." "I know ma." "Then act like you know girl!" I said. "Once it happens it's too late honey, alright? You have so much to look forward to and I know you think you're in love now, but there are lots of young men out there." Now she frowned at me. "Well there is!" I said. We both laughed. I gave her a hug and kiss on her forehead like I did when she was little. "I love you sweetie." I said. "Love you too mom."

After Basketball Wives Zoe went up to bed. I stayed to watch the news and have a glass of wine. I was glad that talk was over. Being a mother never gets any easier. "Night mom!" Antonio yelled down. "Good night baby!" I said. The news was hardly ever good. I hated watching it but how else was I supposed to keep track of all the crazies? I finished a half a bottle of sangria when the news was off. It was after 10:00 and Charles still was not home. I didn't want to call him even though everything in me wanted to. I will just have to let this one play itself out.

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