Chapter Six Sex With the Boss

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After he left, Chris and I sat and had dinner and talked. At first, it was about the case. He said everything I was able to come up with so far was helpful. Then, somehow, the conversation changed. He had this far away look in his eyes and I couldn't help but to ask him what was on his mind. "Do you ever wonder if you married the right person? I mean, do you ever wonder if that's even what life is about? Day in and day out, pouring yourself into one person. Loving and only exploring life with only that one person. I mean, what if you met someone and they were everything you ever wanted in another person, but you can't be with them because you're already committed to someone else. But on the other hand, what if you meet the one you think is your soul mate, you marry them and make a life with them. The kids, the house, the white picket fence, and you screw it all up because you're exploring? I don't know." he said shaking his head.

I had never thought so deeply about it before. It sounded like he had given this topic some real thought. He went on. "Maybe, life is about meeting lots of people. Making friends, making love. I don't know." he said again. "Sounds like you're talking about the 60's." I said and we laughed breaking the seriousness. "See." he said. "What?" "I haven't laughed like this with my wife in a long time. I couldn't have this conversation with her either. She would take it personal and want me to explain why I don't love her anymore. "Well do you?" I asked him. It's not that I don't love her, I do. It's just that sometimes I feel like we don't click. I know she just had Chloe', and she's all wrapped up in motherhood right now. That's great, I love that she loves being a mom. I love being a dad. But I still need my wife, you know?" I thought about it trying to understand how he felt. I understood his wife, I've been there. It made me think of my own marriage and the way I was when our children were born.

"I'm sorry Chris, I do understand how you feel." I told him after I thought about it. He took a sip of his bourbon. "Thanks. I wish my wife could understand. I don't want to hurt her, I just wish she would get it." I thought again about my own life. "You know, listening to you, I wonder if my husband feels like that. I mean, I've had two children, we've been through the ups and downs, and I've thrown myself into motherhood and now that they're almost grown, I've thrown myself into work. That's what women do. We're nurturers by nature. God made us that way. We have children and we love them and protect them at all cost. No matter who or what we come up against. But we are still wives and we love our husbands and take care of you too. We are so many things to so many people we get lost in there somewhere." He smiled at that. I smiled too. "You wanna get out of here?" "Yes." I said.

He helped me with my jacket. "Come on." he took my hand. I wasn't sure what was going on. He walked me to the parking lot. His shiny navy blue BMW was parked behind my Jeep. "You ready to go home?" he asked me. "Why, what are you thinking?" "I thought maybe we could go for a ride." "Where to?" "Oh, just a particular destination. I miss just riding. Listening to some good music, using the steering wheel as a drum to keep the beat, the feeling of a warm  breeze blowing through my hair." He looked at me and I was lost in his description. "That is if you feel comfortable with this?" He asked. I thought a few seconds. I came to the conclusion that it was harmless. "Okay, sure." I finally answered. He opened the passenger door and I got in. He got in and started the engine. His car was very clean and smelled nice. He turned on 82.1 the jazz station. "Wait, what about my car?" I asked as he pulled away. "Don't worry, we won't be long. I'll bring you right back to it." His car clock said it was 8:15. Still early. Charles and Kenya probably hadn't even started fucking yet.

I laid my head back and enjoyed the jazz. I watched Chris maneuver through the streets. He was a good driver. His car had a nice smooth ride. He started humming to one of the songs. I knew this song too. After a few seconds we were both humming. He jumped on the freeway and we rode a little while. He got off at the marina where the boats were docked and we parked. It was a cool, starry night. We sat there in silence and watched a few boats on the water. We listened to the waves crash on the rocks. The sound of Kenny G softly playing from the speakers. The moon was looming near and it looked bigger than usual. It all seemed so romantic.

He turned to look at me but didn't say anything. "So this is what it's like hanging out with the boss?" I said in a nervous attempt at comic relief. "Kind of." he smiled. "I like you Dina." he said. "I like you too Chris." "No, I mean I REALLY like you." I smiled. "You are a very sexy woman. You're beautiful. I mean besides that, you're smart, charming, funny, charismatic...I know you could have any man you wanted." "Oh I don't know about that." I blushed. "See, you're modest too." I smiled again. "Can I kiss you?" "Chris, I don't think that's such a good idea. I'm married, you're married. We work together. How would this look to Jack or even Meghan?" "It wouldn't look any way to them they're not here. They don't have to know. I just want to kiss you. I have since the moment I laid eyes on you. But, if you're not comfortable..." "Oh my God, is that why you hired me?" I said immediately thinking of Charles and Kenya. "No, no, of course not. I hired you because you were qualified for the job. But watching you walk away is a bonus." I laughed.

He got a serious look on his face. Then he leaned over and kissed me. It was just a simple little peck on the lips. An innocent kiss like what might happen between kids playing spin the bottle. I do know spin the bottle has changed since my time. But then he came back for another kiss. This time it was more sensual. He took my face in his hands. He put his tongue in my mouth. We started kissing like long lost lovers. It felt good. I knew I should be concerned about work. I knew I could lose my job if this went wrong. I knew that right now I wasn't any better than Kenya having sex with her married boss. But something came over me and I didn't care. I took my jacket off and he took his off. I unzipped my dress. He unzipped his pants. He reached behind me and slipped my bra off. We started kissing again. Then he went down on my breast.

What am I doing? I thought. This is my boss. My married boss. But it was good! It was so good. I wanted more. I thanked goodness that I had taken off those stockings with that huge run in them. He continued to kiss me. He slid my panties off. I climbed on top of him. He was rock hard and he slipped right in. I was riding him like a professional. Up and down and up and down. He was softly saying my name. 'Dina. Oh Dina. Oh baby it's so good.' he said. "Yes, baby yes." I said back. I started going fast and then slow. Then fast and then slow. I grinded on him. He yelped like a dog. Chris was working with a nice package. I was fucking him so hard, up and down and up and down I went on him. He came. Splat. We kissed again before I climbed off of him. We sat there getting dressed in silence. The only thing that came to my mind was that Charles wasn't the only one fucking tonight.

He drove me back to my car. It was the quietest ride I ever took in my life. We both seemed to be in some deep thought about what just happened. He got out to open my car door. "Will I see you again?" he asked me. "Yes, tomorrow at work." "You know what I this." "I don't know Chris." I stammered. "I don't think so, I don't feel good about cheating. It's wrong. How can I look your wife in the face the next time she comes to take you to lunch?" "I'll make sure you don't even think about her. You'll be so glad we have this private relationship she won't even matter. You were so good I didn't think about her once." He kissed me again. "See you tomorrow." he said. I got in my truck and he watched me pull away.

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