Chapter Twenty Five Catalina's Dead

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It seemed like forever that I laid there listening to them. Listening to him ram into her, stop, take a drink and then continue. He was pouring liquor all over her. Listening to her cry and knowing how much pain she must be in, I felt so sorry for her and there was nothing I could do to help. Suddenly there was a loud bang at the door. Then a man's voice: "POLICE! OPEN UP!" Thank God she got my text! I heard Chris stop. "Where is she?!" he screamed in a whispered tone. "Where are you, you BITCH!" he yelled. "OPEN THE DOOR OR WE'LL BREAK IT DOWN!" the voice came again.

"Get up!" I heard him say. "Get out here you stupid bitch!" he said. Knowing he obviously meant me I crawled from behind the chair. "Get your ass in the bathroom, shut the door, and be make one sound, your girlfriend dies." he said shoving the gun into her temple. I did as he said but I kept the door cracked. "Put this robe on and open the door." he told Cat. "Oh and one more thing: act natural...we're just a normal married couple here acting out a fantasy and maybe it got too loud for the neighbors. Do this right and I might let you live, you got it?." I could hear the lawyer in him already on the defense. I heard the door open. "Hello, officers...what's the problem?" she said in the calmest voice I'd ever heard her use. "We got a message that someone here needed help." one of the officers said. "Nope, we're good here." Chris spoke up. I could see he was holding the gun in the small of her back. "Right honey?" he said moving in closer to her.

"Right...sure." she said. The officers didn't appear convinced and continued standing there staring at them. "Is there anything else we can do for you?" Chris asked giving Cat a kiss on the cheek. "What's your name miss?" the officer asked. "Catalina Sanchez." she said. "And yours sir?" he asked Chris. "Chris Young." "Are you two married?" "Yes." Chris said sounding aggravated. "You didn't want to take his last name?" he asked looking at Catalina. "No." she said. "So, we all good here then?" Chris asked. "Not quite." the officer said. "We have a report that another woman was in this room, Dina Waters. Where is she?"

"You must be mistaken." Chris said. "There's no one here except my wife and I." "You sure about that?" the officer asked. "I think I'd know if someone else was in here with us. Chris answered sarcastically. " The officers didn't seem moved. "We'd like to take a look around for ourselves." "Why? Do you have a search warrant?" Chris asked. "I've already told you no one else is here. We've answered your questions, now please leave us." The officer turned his head sideways and then asked Chris to move out of his way. Chris refused. Then I squealed and the officer pushed Chris with his chest. "Who was that?" the office asked.  "What?" Chris said dumbly. As the officers walked into the room I recognized one of them: Greg Harden, Eva's ex husband. The greatest feeling of relief I'd ever felt rushed over me. I grabbed the bathroom door, ripped it open and ran out. I was screaming but I don't even know what I was saying. I ran straight for Greg so fast I almost knocked him down.

The other officer grabbed his gun. "Drop the weapon and get on the ground! Put your hands behind your head!" he yelled. Greg moved me behind him and grabbed his own weapon and pointed it at Chris who had not yet complied. "DO IT MAN!" Greg yelled. "She's not getting away with this!" Chris yelled. He turned his gun on Catalina. I gasped. "Oh my God!" she cried. "Put the gun down man! It doesn't have to go like this!" Greg yelled. "I have no choice..."Chris said and started to cry. "I loved you...I really loved you." he said to Cat. "I have done my share of wrong, but so have you." "Please Chris, please stop and think about this!" she cried. "I have thought about this, for over a month now. Wondering where you were...who you were with...if you were okay. You've tarnished the sanctity of our marriage." "Calm down man, drop the weapon and get on the ground." the other officer said slowly moving closer to Chris.

"Chris, what about Sophie?" she cried trying to reason with him. 

"Sophie's fine." he whispered nastily. "Where is she now? With your mom like always? You don't love her and you don't love me!" he screamed and suddenly a loud crack went off. It felt like my ears had burst open. Catalina fell on the bed and I could see blood running onto the white carpet. Greg and the other officer started yelling at Chris, moving toward him and then wrestled him to the ground. I screamed and ran to Cat's side. I picked up her body and held her close to me. "Call 911!" Greg yelled to the other officer as he handcuffed Chris. I was trying to apply pressure to her wound. I was trying not to cry, to get a hold of myself. It got harder the longer I held her near me. I could feel the life drain from her body. "Hold on Cat." I whispered to her. "Hold on, help is coming." "I'm sorry." she said to me. "For what?" I asked her. "For getting you into this." 

"It's okay, you didn't get me into anything I didn't want to be in. Spending time with you was wonderful." I told her wiping the tears from her cheeks. "Tell Sophie I love her..." her voice trailed off and the light left her eyes. I screamed and cried and Greg came over to me and picked me up off of the bed. He hugged me close before he told me someone was here to see me. I turned to the doorway and Eva was standing there with tears in her eyes. I ran to her and we hugged. "I'm gonna need you to come down to the station to give a statement. I know not now, but the sooner the better." Greg told me. I nodded and I saw Eva mouth the words 'thank you' to him. He smiled and mouthed back 'you're welcome'.

The drive home was quiet. Eva brought me some jogging pants and a sweatshirt and tennis shoes. I wasn't able to get my things from the hotel room because it was now a crime scene. Eva didn't ask me any questions and I didn't volunteer any information. We drove back to her place and I immediately crashed on her couch. She covered me with a blanket.

"How long was I out?" I asked her. "Well I picked you up on Tuesday morning, it's now Thursday afternoon." "Oh my God." I said. Eva handed me a cup of her favorite chamomile tea. "Greg came by to talk to you but I wouldn't let him bother you." "Thanks." I said taking a sip of the tea. "For everything." She nodded. "Do you want to take a bath?" she asked me. "Yes I would please." She got up and ran the water. The smell of vanilla and lavender filled the air. I got up and took my tea to the bathroom. "I'll just be out here if you need anything." she said closing the door.

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