Chapter Twenty-Two You're Caught...Again!

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"I don't know if he's there now, he may be out on an appointment." "Well, let's go see if he's there." We got in her car and she drove across the parking lot to the other side where the business offices were. His car was there and so was the BMW I saw a few months ago. "Oh see mom, he's here." she said. She hopped out before I could tell her I didn't think this was a good time. She went up to the door and pulled it and I was saying a silent prayer that we didn't find him like I found him the last time. "The door's locked." she said. "Okay, well maybe he's in a meeting or something." I said. "Let's go try the back...I know he'll be happy to see us." she sounded sure. I wasn't so optimistic.

We walked around to the back door and I was feeling like a coward for not stopping this fiasco. She pulled the door and it opened. My heart sank and I didn't feel like my knees could hold my weight. "Daddy!" she called. No answer. She walked down the hall and I followed her. We made it to the first office at the front of the building before the moaning started. "Dad?" she said in a confused tone. Part of me wanted to tell her to turn around and let's go now! But part of me, the vindictive part that wanted him to own up to his shit would not let me say a word. There it was. Charles had this woman bent over his desk and he was ramming her from behind. "DADDY!" Zoe screamed breaking my thoughts. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!" she continued yelling while he was working hard to get his pants up.

"Honey what are you doing here!?" he asked her as if she was the one in the wrong. "I came to visit my father at work to show him some of the things I bought for my dorm room. I thought you might be excited for me because I'm excited. But I see you're too busy fucking this bimbo to care about me...or your wife." she said throwing her hands up in my direction. "Oh honey, please..." he said. "Shut the fuck up Charles." I said. "You asshole." Zoe ran fast back down the hall we just came from and I stood there and he stood there looking like he'd just lost his best friend. "I'm sorry." the woman said in such a low tone I could barely hear her. "You're what?" I asked her. She started crying and shaking her head back and forth. "Why are you crying? You should be happy because now you can have this sorry mutherfucker all to yourself." I shook my head and walked back down the hall.

" I can't wait to get the fuck out of here." Zoe said breaking the silence on our ride home. I didn't know what to say. I could feel the heat coming off of her. I felt like a real bitch for letting her see what I knew was going on. I didn't know what to say or how to fix it. I knew exactly how she was feeling. She felt betrayed, cheated on and lied to...she was hurt. "Honey, it's gonna be okay." I said trying to console her. She didn't answer but I could see the tears rolling down her face. Finally she spoke. " were not as upset as I thought you'd be." I didn't say anything. "You knew didn't you? You knew he was cheating on you, didn't you?" Before I could answer she continued. "Why would you stay with a man who cheats on you?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "You wouldn't understand. In a marriage, things aren't always what they seem." I said sounding like one of those women so scared to be alone they put up with anything. "Hmmm." We didn't talk any more for the rest of the ride.

She kept driving and crying. When we got home she hurried out of the car. She ran up to her room and slammed the door. I didn't blame her this was pathetic. A few minutes later she came back down with a suitcase. "I'm going to stay at a friend's." she said still crying. "I can't stay here with you or him." "You're both ridiculous and I don't even know who either of you are right now." "Zoe, wait, can we talk about this please?" "NO!" she screamed. "I don't know who's worse-dad for being a fucking cheater or you for being a fucking enabler." she said slamming the back door behind her. I heard her car start up and I watched as she backed out of the driveway and peeled down the street.

She was right. I had allowed this to go on so long that it really did reach into my family. He didn't tell me about Miss BMW and I didn't ask and now look what's happened. I needed to leave too. I didn't want to be here when he got home. I sent a text to Catalina:

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