Chapter Nineteen Who to Choose?

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Friday afternoon I got another mysterious text. It was Cat. She wanted to meet me again. Same place. Same time. Tomorrow. Funny thing now is Charles wanted to take me out to a play that was in town tomorrow. I hadn't really seen him this week and it would be wrong to put him off. But on the other hand being with Catalina made me happy in other ways that I couldn't explain. I called Eva and she was excited for me. It was odd hearing her be excited about a date with my woman. I felt like I had gotten her started on something that we would both regret. "So, what should I do?" I asked her. "Girl I don't know!" she said. "If you don't go out with your husband you better have a really good reason why you can't go." She was right. I couldn't just say no to him for no reason and I know I couldn't use Eva again.

I texted Cat and told her what was going on. She suggested I meet up with her after the play. Knowing Charles he would want me for the rest of the night. But I thought I could try it anyway. I told Charles that I was meeting with my bosses' wife. I told him that she wanted to talk to me about her brothers' case. "Can't it wait?" he asked. I felt bad that I was lying to him but then I remembered the miss BMW that he still hadn't fessed up to and said 'no it can't... I'm sorry.' "Well okay" he said. "Work is work."

The play started at 8:00pm. It was about a scorned wife who was tired of her husband's deceit and lies. She found comfort with his handsome single brother. When he found out about it the shit hit the fan. It was a good play. "Do you want me to drive with you to meet her?" he asked when we left the play. "It shouldn't take that long, right?" Under normal circumstances, it would have been a simple conversation. But I knew I was going to do much more with her than talk. "I don't think so babe. I'm meeting her at a bar in a hotel. She sounded pretty upset that Chris wouldn't discuss the specifics of the case with her and she might be drinking and crying and..." "Okay, okay...say no more." he said cutting me off. "Just try not to be too long okay?" he said kissing my forehead. "I'll try." I smiled back at him.

I got to the hotel at 11:15pm. I got the key card as usual and headed up to the room. Cat was asleep lying on the top of the bedspread. She was only wearing panties. I stood there and watched her sleep for a few seconds. I asked myself if I could ever seriously only be with a woman. The answer was no I could not. I liked being with her because we had good sex. She smelled good, she was pretty and soft and sexy and sensual. She knew all the right places to touch me and she knew how to touch me. But she wasn't a man. There was something about being with a man that a woman can't touch. He's strong, masculine, and rough. When he speaks his voice is deep and it moves through me and I shiver. He commands my body with his hands and I do what he wants because his eyes are piercing through me. When he picks me up, carries me to the bed and throws me down to slide inside me I quiver. I feel his muscles flex under me and I feel safe. When he ask me if it's good I whisper 'yes.' When he ask me who's is it I say 'yours.' There's nothing like being with a man.

"Hi." Catalina's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Hello sleepy head." I said laying my bag down and taking my coat off. I laid down next to her.

She reached out and twirled a piece of my hair. "You're so beautiful." she smiled. "So are you." I said back. She moved toward me and kissed me. I kissed back. Then she climbed on top of me. She pulled my blouse over my head and continued kissing me. She kissed my lips, my neck, my chest. She moved her hands down to unbutton my skirt and pull it off. "Ooohhhh you're not wearing panties!" she said excited and breathless. She kissed my stomach. Then she moved down between my legs and kissed me there. I moaned. She came back up to me after a few minutes and kissed me again. "I really like you." she said moving her fingers across my lips. I kissed her fingers. "I like you too." I told her. "A lot." she added. I smiled. We laid together for awhile just kissing and every now and then she'd put her hands between my legs and make me moan.

I decided I'd better go when it was almost 1:30am. Charles had called me twice already. I gave her a kiss and told her we would see each other again soon. When I got home Charles was not there. I didn't know where he was or why he wasn't there or why he was bothering to call me if he wasn't there. I wasn't going to stress out over it. I took a shower and went to bed. Charles crawled into bed around 4:00am. I know he was expecting me to ask him where he was and have an attitude but I had such a good time with Cat that nothing would faze me today.

"How did your meeting go with what's her name?" he asked. "Oh it went really well." "I see she kept you out late." "Yes looks like you found something to do yourself." "I went to the bar with Larry." "Sheila let Larry out that late?" "Sheila's not there. She left him." "WHAT!?" I screamed. "Why, what happened?" "Aw, he said she found out he was having an affair with her sister." "Which sister?" "Donna." "Donna!" I yelled. "I always knew Donna was a little whore." "I'm surprised at Larry, I never pegged him for a cheater. But, you never know who can be trusted now a days." I said throwing a hate glance at Charles. He nodded and walked away.

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