Chapter 17 Learning How To Sword Fight

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green)

"Dude... that... was.... SO... FREAKING.... COOL!" Eli cried as I leaped down from the forge as Blinky deactivated it.

"I know right?!" I said, just as excited as Eli.

"Now I'm scared to even go up against you Jimbo," Toby said taking out his portable war hammer.

I laughed. "The only advantage of this is that Merlin has not told anyone else about Midnight. Which means that Morgouse doesn't know. So that gives us an advantage with this whole new way to attack. And she won't see any of it."

"That's not all," Merlin said walking up to us. "If I am correct, which I probably am, Jim you could speak the secret language of trolls."

No way!
"You mean trollish?" Claire asked.

"Yes Fair Claire. You and James could... practice together."

"Let's do it!" I said.
Claire nodded.

"Also Fair Claire, I have something for you."

Merlin reached out his hand. Green magic swirled around his hand and once his magic disappeared, he held... no way! Merlin in his hand held the Shadow Staff.

"Wait," Claire said. "How did you...?"

"Since Morgana is dead, and no longer banished, I decided to remake the Shadow Staff with the new one updated. You don't have to use negative emotions to power it anymore. And Claire, you are the only one to be able to activate it and use it to create portals. Try it out."

She picked up the staff and activated it, causing the staff to turn black. Then she cast a portal on the ground.

"No way!" Krel said. "We could use this to go home!"

"Alas my young friend. This weapon is only able to create portals inside of this planet and any other dimensions."

"Like the Darklands?" I asked. Merlin nodded.

"What about us?" Steve asked. "Do we get sick new weapons. We want to help in the war too!"

"Yeah, make that two!" Eli cried.

"Three and four here," Mary and Darci said.

Merlin took a second to answer.
"Although I don't know what Steve means by a sick weapon. Weapons can't be sick. But yes. I have thought about it. And I have prepared weapons and armor for you."

"No way! We get armor like Jim?" Steve cried.

"Absolutely not," Merlin scolded. "It takes countless days and hours to be able to work and wield armor like James. And creating more and more amulets could possibly be the end of the world. Do you know how many evil trolls would want to take them at no costs?"

"Point proven," Steve said sadly.

Merlin waved his hand and everyone besides our two Akiridion friends were in there armor. Toby and Claire were in their purple and coppery orange. Mary had a way brighter purple than Claire's. Darci had a dark green. Douxi had black. Eli had orange and Steve had a light blue.

"No way!" Darci said.

"This can't be happening right now," Steve said.

"This is absolutely crazy. Claire your armor looks amazing!" Douxi commented.

Out of all the people.... His comments were not needed right now.

"And now for your weapons. Each of you contain a sword on your back."

Everyone pulled their swords out except for Claire and Toby because they already had their weapons.

"I chose a sword because it's the weapon Jim has, so he will also be able to teach you how to wield it. James would you be willing to teach them?" I nodded. "Then let the lessons begin."

Merlin said. Everyone had their sword which matched with there armor. They were ready.

"These are the beginning moves that a very good friend of mine taught me when I first found the amulet of Daylight."

I was implying on Draal.

"Mimic my movement," I told them, just how Drall told me.

The first pose I did was I extended my right arm with my sword. Then placed my other hand behind my back. Everyone followed. I stood up from that pose to correct everyone else.

"Good. Now up like this." I raised my sword above my head. They followed. "And down again." They went down in the last pose I first taught them. I walked over to Eli and positioned his sword more upright.

"If you don't have your sword straight. This move will fail. Now go up!" They complied. "And back down. Very good." I stood in front of them. "Another very important thing to remember is your balance. Your enemies will always do what they can to throw you off guard and to make you lose your balance. Trust me."

Aja and Krel decided to come in and train as well.

"Now this is warrior training," Aja said.

"Lets practice," I said. "Each of you will get a partner. And with this said partner, you will have a little... brawl."

Mary and Darci gave each other high fives as well as Steve and Eli. Aja and Krel, Toby and Claire, were up against each other which just left Douxi.

"Douxi come with me." He looked at me, a little bit afraid. "I'll go easy." I said.

"Okay," he said in his British accent.

"The object is simple. Get the blade out of your opponent's hand. And stay away from the cliff because I really don't want any off you to fall down there. Everyone ready?" They all nodded. "Go!" I said.

"What do I do first?" Douxi asked.

I made Midnight appear.
"That's up to you to decide. I can't tell you what your move shall be or else I know, and I can prevent it."

He nodded as he came after me with the sword. He did the move I taught him where he lifted the sword above his head to try and hit me with it. But, stumbled and missed.

"Next time try to hit me. Not the ground," I said.

He chuckled. He came after me again. Our swords clashed. With my hand with armor of course, I grabbed his sword from where ours met, and then twisted it and gently pulled. He lost grip of his sword. And now I had it. Then I used Midnight, and held my sword up to his throat.

"Nice," he said.

"Try that move with me." I tossed his sword towards him on the ground. He picked it up. I made Midnight disappear and grabbed a normal sword from a shelf. I positioned his sword just as he had the last time. I did the same.
"Now grab it." He complied.
"Use the butt of the sword to hit my wrist."

It took him a second to get it. But he did it.

"Then twist."

He did. And now he held my sword.
"Good," I complimented. "Now do it again, but faster."


We trained for hours. By the time everyone was done, their shoulders and hands hurt and ached.

"More training tomorrow you guys. Be up and ready by 8:30 am tomorrow. If you don't want to die in the war, I suggest you meet by the entrance of Trollmarket by that time sharp."

I said as we all made our way to my house to take off the armor and place them on the stands Merlin had built. We walked in the entrance of the doors to see all the groups of parents. Worried parents. Except for Aja's, Krel's, Toby's (grandma), and Claire's.

"Where have you guys been?" Eli's mom asked. "And what are you wearing?!"

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