Chapter 25 Rescue Mission Two

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green)

Numora, Angor, and I ran to the Janus order, startling a few passerby's. Our sleepy town seems not to have heard of anything down below. But they will soon...

When we made our way to the building, Angor literally tore the door down when we got there. Numora said the code to activate the elevator. The floor rumbled and we began to go down. Music began to play.

We stood there. Waiting... and waiting.... no one said a word. The music was so innocent, until we reached the bottom.

When then doors opened what I saw was literally just like the Eternal Night. Everyone was fighting. Toby, Steve and Eli where getting backed up in a corner by guards. Merlin and Douxie (mainly Douxie) looked exhausted from using their magic. It was a face palm moment when I saw all the parents... with swords trying to kill one guard.

Seemed like Detective Scott did his job to warn the town. Mary and Darci were making a great team. They just killed a guard. I charged at the guard going after Toby. Using all my strength I kicked the guard causing him to go straight into a wall and crumbled to stone.

"Ahh! Jimbo your back! Where were you?! What happened?" He asked, leaping up and giving me a huge hug.

"Jim!" Eli cried.

"What the heck buttsnack! Where were you? We could have died!"

I looked at him sadly wanting to explain everything to them. But there were at least ten more guards in the room.

"I'll explain later guys, but for now we have to get rid of these guards."

"Right behind you," Toby said.

Summoning my thigh blades, I charged at the guards attacking my mom and the other parents throwing my blades it hit one guard while I stabbed the other in the back. They both turned to stone. Merlin and Douxie took out four more with the help of Numora. Angor took out the other three.

All the guards were dead. At least for now until reinforcements came. My mom ran up to me and hugged me. She began to ask millions of questions such as, "Jim are you okay? What happened? What did she do? Where did you go?"

"I'm fine mom," I said, returning her hug. Everyone clamored together.

"Where is Claire?" Mary asked. I looked at her.

"She uhh... came to rescue me and.... James went with her." They all gasped.

"No! Guys! Guys! As much as it kills me to say this... James... he had a change of heart like Angor."

"Jim that still doesn't explain where you were," My mom said. I inhaled.

"Right... about that." I explained to them everything. The battle with Morgouse, waking up and meeting the general. How Claire and James rescued me. So on and so forth.

"Well what are we waiting for Jimbo?! Let go save them!" Toby cried.

"I can create a portal," Douxie offered. I nodded.

"Lets go whoop some butts," Steve said.

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